Area Commission

Ray A. Lattimore, Chair
Marketplace Staffing

Jo Watson Hackl, Vice Chair
Wyche, P.A.

S. Hunter Howard, Jr., Secretary
The Springs

Kenneth G. Southerlin, Treasurer
Greenville County School District, Retired

Paul O. Batson, III
Beacon Pointe, Senior Tax Advisor

Thomas R. Britt, Jr.
Bank of Travelers Rest

J. Coleman Shouse
LS Homes, Builder and Developer, Retired

Dean E. Jones
Greenville County Workforce Investment Board

Ray Martin
Real Estate and Insurance Executive, Retired

Dr. W. Burke Royster
Superintendent, Greenville County Schools

Keith Smith
Keith Smith Builders, LLC

David K. Stafford
Michelin Americas Research Company, Retired

(This information was correct as of publication. New appointments are made each May.)

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