Course Descriptions
Explanation of Terms Used in Course Descriptions
The South Carolina Technical College System requires that courses at every technical college conform to a state-wide standard for course numbers, course titles, credit hours and descriptions, as contained in the Catalog of Approved Courses (CAC).
Course Listings
Descriptions of all courses in this catalog are arranged alphabetically and numerically. The semester(s) the course is offered is listed in italics under each course title; not all courses are taught every semester. The college reserves the right to withdraw any course with insufficient enrollment. In addition, the college publishes class schedules every semester listing the courses that will be offered on the Greenville Tech website:
Course Identification
Each course in this catalog is identified with a three-letter prefix, a number and the title of the course, e.g., ENG 101 English Composition I*. The three-letter prefix indicates the course subject.
Course Hours and Credits
Following the prefix, numbers and course title are numbers that indicate lecture, laboratory and credit hours. The number of lecture hours and/or the number of laboratory hours combine to make up the total “contact” hours required for the class each week. Contact hours equate to the time spent under the direct supervision of a faculty member and represent the total amount of class hours to be met within the timeframe the course is taught. The contact hours are the sum of the first two numbers shown. The last number shown is the credit hours received for the course.
Course Descriptions
The course description of the course is the official state CAC description. In a few cases, the college has added to the state CAC description to provide students with more information about the course, as taught by Greenville Tech.
Prerequisites are required before enrolling in a course and must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. In some cases, students may exempt the prerequisite via placement scores or acceptable prior college credit. Some prerequisites specify “approval” or “permission,” which means receiving permission from the instructor, department head or school dean. Courses that include permission as part of the prerequisite are generally those that require that faculty familiar with the course evaluate the student’s prior experience.
Co-requisites are courses that are taken during the same semester. Most co-requisites are recommended; however, some may be required.
Transferable Courses
If a course is marked with an asterisk (*), the course appears on the Commission of Higher Education’s Statewide Articulation List of Universally Transferable Courses from all technical colleges. Credits for these courses do not automatically transfer to a four-year college or university. Students are responsible for checking with the specific college or university to which they plan to transfer to determine the transferability of any course taken at Greenville Tech.
- ABR - Auto Body Repair
- ACC - Accounting
- ACM - Aircraft Maintenance
- ACR - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
- AET - Architectural Engineering Technology
- AHS - Allied Health Sciences
- AMT - Automated Manufacturing Technology
- ANT - Anthropology
- AOT - Administrative Office Technology
- ART - Art
- ARV - Visual Arts
- AST - Astronomy
- AUT - Automotive Technology
- CDM - Cancer Data Management
- CET - Construction Engineering Technology
- CHM - Chemistry
- COL - College Orientation
- COS - Cosmetology
- CPT - Computer Technology
- CRJ - Criminal Justice
- CUL - Culinary Arts
- CWE - Cooperative Work Experience
- CYB - Cybersecurity
- ECD - Early Childhood Development
- ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
- ECO - Economics
- EDU - Education
- EEM - Industrial Electricity/Electronics
- EET - Electronic Engineering Technology
- EGR - Engineering Technology
- EGT - Engineering Graphics Technology
- EMS - Emergency Medical Technology
- ENG - English
- ESL - English as Second Language
- HIM - Heath Information Management
- HIS - History
- HOS - Hospitality
- HSS - Humanities
- HUS - Human Services
- IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
- IMT - Industrial Maintenance Technology
- IST - Information Systems Technology
- MAT - Math
- MEC - Mechatronics
- MED - Medical Assistant
- MET - Mechanical Engineering Technology
- MFG - Manufacturing
- MGT - Management
- MKT - Marketing
- MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
- MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- MTT - Machine Tool Technology
- MUS - Music
- PHI - Philosophy
- PHS - Physical Science
- PHY - Physics
- PSC - Political Science
- PSY - Psychology
- PTH - Physical Therapy