
Advising and other Academic Matters

Diane Thomas
Chief of Staff to the Vice President of Learning and Workforce Development

Janet Hirt
Associate Vice President of Curriculum and Compliance

Jennifer Moorefield
Associate Vice President, Corporate and Continuing Education

Dr. Tameka Brown
Director, Dual Enrollment and Early College

Michelle Byrd
Dean, School of Business & Computer Technology

Kelvin Byrd
Dean, School of Advanced Manufacturing & Transportation Technology

Dr. Candice Lewis
Dean, School of Health Sciences

Rene Sawyer
Dean, School of Arts & Sciences

Dr. William Brothers
Dean, School of Engineering Technology & Professional Studies

Student Financial Matters

Kerry Peterson
Bursar's Office

Ray Lambert
Director of Business and Auxiliary Services

Ginger Mauney
Foundation Manager

Amy Munoz
Director, Financial Aid

Dr. Tameka Brown
Director, Dual Enrollment and Early College

Gloria Carden
Registrar, Student Records

Dr. Candice Dennis
Director, Student Life

Dr. Kerwin Graham
Dean, Enrollment Services
Enrollment and Registration

Director, Center for Student Advocacy

Student Safety, Wellness, Conduct and Disability Services

Terence Brooks
Chief of Police

Jacqueline DiMaggio
Ethics Officer

Brett Gaffney
Dean of Students

Gina Terry
Director, Student Disability Services

Barbara Wilson
Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Gina Terry
Director of Counseling

Mikelle Porter
Dean of Satellite Campuses