Academic Compliance and Review (AC&R)
Judy Haynes, AC&R Director
Gina Marie Thomas, Programmatic Accreditation, Perkins Grant Coordinator
Anna Scott, Curriculum Management, PLA, CourseLeaf Administrator
Natasha Spearman, Scheduling, 25Live Administrator
Christine Garrard, Compliance Coordinator, REACH Act, Academic Rank
The Academic Compliance and Review office supports teaching and learning through a variety of services intended to facilitate the following:
1. Course evaluations
2. Curriculum development and management
3. Faculty credentialing
4. Fee waivers
5. Academic Rank
6. Programmatic accreditation
7. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) / substantive change
8. Scheduling - Academic, Corporate & Continuing Education (CCE), and Internal events
9. REACH Act
More detailed information on these services can be found on LibGuides> Academic Compliance and Review website.
Curriculum Development, Management, and Assessment
The Academic Compliance and Review staff works with academic deans, assistant deans, department heads, academic program directors, faculty, and the Curriculum Committee in planning, designing, and assessing curricula. Also, this department manages the college and state approval process for all new courses, certificates, and degrees.
- Competencies and Skills List Development and Validation - Developing or updating competencies and skills lists is one method used to develop, evaluate, and revise curricula.
- The DACUM - (Developing A Curriculum) process engages a panel of professionals in the program field to analyze the competencies and skills performed in the occupation. Programs with a required task list through accreditation or national organizations use a similar process to validate the program competencies.
- Programmatic Accreditation - Programmatically accredited programs accredited through a national program-specific organization must periodically conduct a self-study of the program and submit for reaffirmation of accreditation, as well as submit interim reports to maintain their accreditation standing. Support is provided to these programs through the AC&R office to promote the college's goal of ensuring that all programmatic accreditations, self-studies, and reports include consistent and thorough information related to the college's operations. The AC&R office maintains a centralized warehouse of programmatic accreditation reports and information. In addition, the department provides logistical support for programs going through accreditation site visits before and during the visit.
- Course Evaluations - Greenville Technical College requires that course evaluations be completed on most courses, except for the School of Health Sciences, during the fall and spring semesters and summer term. Students are notified via email once the online evaluation surveys are open and provided instructions for completing the survey. (Refer to Course Evaluations in Part 4: INSTRUCTIONAL MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS.)
- Perkins Grant – Each academic year, the college submits a proposal requesting funds through the Perkins Grant. The oversight and management of the Perkins Grant is by the AC&R office. The grant's director and coordinator ensure compliance with federal, state, and local funding requirements; allocation of funds and changes are sufficiently documented at the college and in the State Tech and SC Department of Education database management systems; all purchases, travel, and other expenditures are grant compliant; submission of quarterly and annual outcome assessment reports; and the facilitation of the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) that is analyzed, written, and submitted to the South Carolina Department of Education for the Greenville Region in including secondary educational schools.
- Faculty and Staff Curriculum Fee Waiver Policy - Full-time employees and part-time employees who work a minimum of 20 hours per week are eligible to receive a tuition fee waiver for one course, up to four credit hours, per semester. Once the applicant meets the criteria outlined in the curriculum fee waiver guidelines, curriculum fee waivers are approved.
The faculty and staff fee waiver policy and form can be found on LibGuides>Academic Compliance and Review>Important Processes/ Documents.