Travel Policy, Procedure, and Forms

Travel Policy (See Administrative Policies: Travel Policy 8-13)

Travel and transportation will be authorized only when officially justified and by means which meet requirements consistent with good management practices.

A traveler on official business will exercise the same care in incurring expenses and accomplishing an assignment that a prudent person would exercise if traveling on personal business. Excess costs, circuitous routes, delays, or luxury accommodations unnecessary or unjustified in the performance of an assignment are not considered acceptable as exercising prudence. Travel by commercial airlines will be accomplished in coach class. Transportation to and from points of arrival and departure will be accomplished by the most economical method, with consideration given to urgency, schedules, and like factors.

It is the duty and responsibility of the respective department head/chairs and/or academic program directors to ensure compliance with these regulations. This, in its entirety, can be found on Resources4me under Travel Documentation.

Procedures and Forms

Travel procedures and forms can be found on Resources4me under Travel Documentation. Problems with travel arrangements should be reported to the travel coordinator at (864) 250-8803 or by email at If the travel coordinator cannot be reached, call (864) 250-8214.