
Fire Safety

Evacuation Routes:
  1. Emergency evacuation routes are posted throughout all campus buildings. 
  2. Remind all employees and students not to use elevators in case of fire.
Fire Extinguishers:
  1. Visual inspections of all fire extinguishers are performed monthly.
  2. A certified fire safety company performs annual inspections of all fire extinguishers to ensure that the college complies with local fire codes.
  3. The Environmental Health Manager provides instruction in using fire extinguishers upon request.
Faculty and Staff Responsibilities:
  1. On the first day of class, each faculty member should review the emergency evacuation route(s) with the students. Notify Campus Police at (864) 250-8001 if the emergency evacuation route maps are missing from any classroom or work area.
  2. Once a year, each supervisor should review the emergency evacuation routes for all office areas, work areas, etc., and review the proper fire reporting procedures.
  3. Faculty and staff should designate a person(s) in each class or work area to help disabled employees and students in case of an emergency.
  4. Notify the Environmental Health Manager or on-duty Security Officer when a fire extinguisher is utilized. Give the exact location of the extinguisher. The Environmental Health Manager and/or on-duty Security Officer must be notified to recharge the extinguisher.
Fire Emergencies: CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRST by dialing 9-1-1.
  1. Give the Fire Department the following information:
    1. the exact location (building, floor, and room number)
    2. if a chemical is involved in the fire, give the name of the chemical
  2. ACTIVATE the nearest FIRE ALARM. Most fire alarms are local alarms and do not signal the Fire Department.
  3. LEAVE THE BUILDING. Assemble away from the building beyond the parking lot.  Consider having a designated meeting location for each department to account for all personnel.
    a. Facility Resources, (864) 250-8174
    b. Environmental Safety, (864) 250-8205
  4. GTC Police and the Environmental Health Manager, on-duty Security Officer, and Building Marshall/Floor Captain(s) will report immediately to the fire scene to supervise the evacuation of the building.
  5. No employee should make unauthorized statements to the press or news media. All inquiries should be directed to the president's office, (864) 250-8015.

Hazardous Material Management

Greenville Technical College's policy is to reduce employee exposure to hazardous chemicals and the overall incidence of chemical-related injuries and illnesses. All employees who are potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals in their assigned jobs must be fully informed of the hazardous properties of the chemicals and the protective measures available to minimize exposure to these chemicals. This type of information is available to employees using labels on chemical containers, safety data sheets (SDS), and hazard communication training. Employees will be informed of any known hazards associated with chemicals they may be exposed to before their initial assignment, whenever the hazards change, or when new hazardous chemicals are introduced into their respective work areas.

Faculty and Staff Responsibilities: 

  1. Newly hired employees are trained in Hazard Communication at New Employee Orientation.  Annually, each faculty/staff member should complete the Hazard Communication training located on PD4Me. Please contact John Moore, Environmental Health Manager, for a copy of the College's Hazard Communication Plan.
  2. Safety Data Sheets will be available 24/7 to all employees through the website. A direct link to the website is on each GTC desktop computer. Department Heads are responsible for submitting new Safety Data Sheets, chemical inventory requests, and backup copies of each department's Safety Data Sheets. These may be requested by contacting the Environmental Health Manager at (864) 250-8205.
  3. All chemical containers (including secondary containers) received for use must be clearly labeled as the contents, appropriate hazard warning, and manufacturer's name and address.
  4. Hazardous Materials Incidents: Call the Environmental Health Manager at (864) 250-8205 or contact Campus Police and give the following information:
    • the exact location (building, floor, and room number) of the incident,
    • the name of the chemical involved in the incident, and
    • if anyone was injured.  If so, details of the injury.
  5. In the event of chemical exposure or another emergency, please refer to each chemical's SDS. It is essential to review this information before working with a specific chemical to ensure the correct safety response is followed in an emergency.  
  6. Eye Wash and Emergency Shower stations are located strategically in buildings for emergency use. In the event of chemical exposure, please respond as follows:
    a. Eye Wash Stations
         i. Using the nearby eyewash station, immediately flush eyes
         ii. Hold your eyelids open and rotate your eyes to ensure all chemicals are flushed.
         iii. Flush eyes for at least 15 minutes
         iv. Contact medical help as needed
    b. Emergency Showers:
         i. Turn on the shower by pulling the handle
         ii. Remove clothing exposed to chemical
         iii. Avoid wiping or running skin as this can increase the chance a chemical is absorbed into your skin
         iv. Flush your body for at least 15 minutes
         v. Contact medical help as needed

Severe Weather

For the safety of the students, faculty, and staff, Greenville Technical College has severe weather policies in place. These policies include snow, hurricanes, tornado watches, and warnings associated with severe weather. Details regarding the college's severe weather plans are outlined in the GTC Emergency Procedures Manual located on GTC4me under Quick Links. If a severe weather watch or warning is issued, GTC Police disseminate pertinent information to all campuses through emergency messaging and/or other general announcement medium(s). The Campus Crisis Management Team will be activated if a tornado strikes any campus.

The college's inclement weather policy, in its entirety, can be found on Resources4me under GTC Information>Administrative Policies.

Note:  For extreme weather, see Instructional Continuity Plan