Course Evaluations

Students will evaluate all instructors in all courses and sections during the fall and spring semesters and summer term; Maymester courses are not evaluated. Course evaluations will be completed for courses taught at all campuses, all off-campus instructional sites, and for online and blended courses.

School of Health Sciences Evaluation Guidelines (revised August 1, 2014) - In view of the fact that many nursing and health science courses are team-taught, the following guidelines will be used for evaluating these courses.

  1. All new faculty assigned to key teaching roles will be evaluated in every section of every course for fall and spring semesters and summer terms during their probationary period.

  2. The remaining faculty assigned to key teaching roles will be evaluated in one course, fall and spring semesters and summer term.

  3. At least one faculty member will be evaluated in all team-taught courses.

The evaluation questions students respond to when evaluating their courses can be found on LibGuides>Academic Compliance and Review>Course Evaluations. Once a class is 80 percent completed, the enrolled students will receive notification emails until they complete and submit their responses. The email messages, including instructions and the evaluation link, are sent to their Blackboard student email addresses.

Note: Communication with the students is imperative, especially during evaluation time. Instructors are to remind their students frequently to complete their course evaluations. 

Instructors can access course evaluation report(s) three days after a class ends using Course Evaluations & Surveys software. Instructions for faculty to view and/or save their reports can be found on LibGuides>Academic Compliance and Review>Course Evaluations. Once an instructor leaves the college, their access to the course evaluation results will be denied. If the former instructor wishes to view the results, the department head/chair or academic program director must submit an electronic request to Judy Haynes, Director of Academic Compliance and Review, stating the instructor's name and the desired semester/term for the course evaluation reports. The department head/chair or academic program director must then meet with the individual face-to-face to review the results. Neither the department head/chair nor the academic program director is permitted to give the former faculty member a copy of the reports.

Note: If a former faculty member wants copies of the course evaluation reports, a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request must be submitted to the Vice President for Human Resources.  For additional information regarding FOIA, refer to the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education's (SBTCE) Freedom of Information policy 8-0-107 and procedure 8-0-107.1.