Course Syllabus and Course Schedule

Instructors are to cover the course syllabus and course schedule/plan of instruction on the first day of class. These documents contain the basic course information the student will need for the entire semester/term. They are, in effect, an agreement that tells students about the course, what they can expect of the instructor, and what the instructor expects of them.

Course Syllabus

Concourse is a cloud-based syllabus management system that provides consistency and addresses compliance for all syllabi. Concourse allows for systematic updates to institutional, school, departmental, and course policies to be made through the use of templates. The templates are permission-driven. For example, the institutional content can only be changed by the Curriculum and Instructional Support Center (CISC) staff. The assistant dean of the school manages school templates. Department heads or their designee manages departmental templates. Course templates are often managed by course lead instructors, academic program directors, or department heads/chairs. 

Editing the Templates

One advantage of Concourse is that changes can be easily made and distributed to all or selected syllabi. Editing is simple. Concourse has provided excellent videos with 1 - 2 minute video clips demonstrating the steps. Click on this link to view Concourse for Instructors On Demand Training. Once you click on the link, you will be required to register. After registering, you will receive a link in your email to access the training. Fourteen videos are provided, but you only need to select the area in which you are interested in viewing. It is imperative that you follow the steps outlined in the training. APDs, Department Heads, and Assistant Deans will review all syllabi each semester. If you do not use the tool as described in the videos, your syllabus will appear on an error list. 

Course feeds are run by OIT for the upcoming semester to create each section syllabus. These feeds will create all syllabi for all course sections scheduled to be taught in the upcoming semester. Course feeds will run as follows:

  • For summer semester courses: April 15th
  • For fall semester courses: July 15th
  • For spring semester courses: November 15th

Important: Before running the feeds, it is essential that all institutional, school, departmental, and course templates are up to date. If the templates are not updated, it will be necessary to manually push information out to the syllabi.

Once the section syllabi are made available, faculty will have the freedom to update course instructor information, plans of instruction, and individual policies for their assigned course section. 

The following describes each section managed in the institutional, departmental, and course templates within Concourse:

General Course Information

Course information such as the course description, credit and contact hours, and meeting times will automatically load into each syllabus when feeds are run. The course description should match exactly with the description as written in the college catalog. This information should not be edited by faculty.

Institutional Template/Content

Institutional content may not be edited by department personnel and/or faculty.  Institutional content includes the following:

  1. Instructional Agreement: This information informs the student that the course syllabus represents an agreement between them and the instructor. The instructor should have students submit an agreement indicating that they have "received and understand the syllabus for the course." Some departments/schools require all students to submit an assignment or quiz about this agreement or a student information sheet that contains this agreement.

  2. Technology Statement: Greenville Technical College is not responsible for personal technology or Internet access. Problems with computers, devices, or Internet access are unacceptable for late work. When completing gradable coursework online, be sure to access a secure, reliable internet connection (preferably hardwired). All technical questions should be directed to GTC Tech Support

    1. Students can access due dates for all assignments, quizzes/tests on the Course Schedule/Plan of Instruction. All graded work is time-stamped when submitted through Blackboard so the instructor can check the time of submission. In addition, the student will receive a confirmation email message when he submits assignments via Blackboard. The student must provide this confirmation information in case of any dispute regarding the submission.

    2. Computer labs are available at multiple campus locations and offer various hours, as well as staff who are available for assistance. Computer lab locations.

    3. Students should use Microsoft Office programs or PDF format to submit assignments on Blackboard. Students can access, log in with their <username> email address and Blackboard/GTC4me password, and then follow the prompts to install Microsoft Office free of charge.

  3. Verification of Students in Online Classes: To maintain academic integrity, all GTC fully online courses are required to have at least one proctored learning activity that constitutes a significant percentage of the course grade. Proctored is defined as an experience where an approved person ensures the identity of the student and monitors the learning activity. Proctoring may be done through an outside company, the College’s testing lab, or by the instructor. The learning activity may be a test, midterm, final exam, presentation, or other assignments. The course instructor will determine the proctored learning activity, the method of proctoring, and additional requirements, such as costs incurred by students and/or trips to campus related to proctoring will be explained in the course schedule/plan of instruction.  Students who refuse to be proctored for any proctored assignment and/or test in a fully online course will receive a grade of “F” for that course. However, students do have an option to opt out of virtual proctoring. Refer to Virtual Proctoring Options for Online Courses

  4. Instructional Continuity Policy: Greenville Technical College requires each academic department to develop measures that will allow instructors to continue teaching and students to continue learning in the event of college-wide or campus disruptions. Before each semester, departments and instructors should prepare learning activities that students can complete remotely in the case of unforeseen disruptions, such as widespread illness, weather, or other unsafe conditions. Additionally, departments must publish information about these preparations in each course syllabus. The Instructional Continuity Policy can be found on Resources4me>Faculty Resource Documents.

  5. Course Evaluations/Assessment: This section notifies students that their input is critical for continuous improvement of teaching and learning and that input will be solicited through course evaluations. Also, students are notified that some student learning activities may be used to assess student learning outcomes and that such assessments may be shared with other faculty for assessment purposes. Faculty should remind students to complete the evaluations.

  6. Administrative Withdrawals: Administrative withdrawals occur when students either do not meet course prerequisites, never attend a class period, or do not participate and/or submit assignments for 14 consecutive days in online courses. If a student is administratively withdrawn for non-attendance after the course withdrawal date, the student will be assigned a grade of WF, which will negatively affect the student’s financial aid GPA and may result in loss of federal aid. Refer to the attendance policy in the College catalog.

  7. Dropping, Adding, and Withdrawing from Classes: Greenville Technical College is an attendance-taking institution. Due to this policy, the college has set Add, Drop, and Withdrawal dates. The dates for each transaction are on the college website, as well as the course schedule. Dropped courses do not show on a transcript. A course that has been withdrawn will show a W on the transcript. We encourage each student to talk to their advisor before withdrawing to discuss this action's impact. It is the student's responsibility to follow proper protocol. Additional information may be found in the College Catalog.

  8. Incomplete Policy: An Incomplete is defined as academic work for which unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons have not been finished at the end of the term. Examples of justifiable reasons include documented medical issues, family death, and military service. Emergencies and justifiable reasons do not include an opportunity to raise the grade earned, a student not taking the final exam without notification to the instructor as to why, or using the incomplete as a means to retake a portion of the course due to a non-passing grade. Refer to the incomplete policy in the College catalog.

    Note: A student may petition for an extension of one semester due to unusual circumstances. Such a petition will be reviewed by the instructor, whose decision shall be forwarded to the department head/chair.

  9. Students with Disabilities: see the tab under Faculty Manual Part 4.

  10. Blackboard Ally for students: Blackboard Ally is a tool to improve students' experiences within online courses. It enables students to convert files in a course to more accessible formats such as HTML, electronic braille, audio, and more. More information is available to students in the Student Resources link in the Blackboard course menu.

  11. FERPA policy: Greenville Technical College abides by FERPA privacy guidelines. Therefore, personal email accounts may not be used for any college-related communication; faculty and students must use the college Gmail system only.

  12. Title IX Policy: Greenville Technical College does not discriminate against any student based on pregnancy or related conditions and will comply fully with Title IX regulations. Absences due to medical conditions relating to pregnancy and maternity leave will be excused for as long as deemed medically necessary by a student's doctor, and the student will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Documentation from the student's doctor is required. Students needing assistance may seek accommodations. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator or Student Disability Services for additional information.

  13. Nondiscrimination Statement: Greenville Technical College provides equal opportunity and affirmative action in education and employment for all qualified persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The college complies with the provisions of Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Higher Education Amendments of 1986; Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the South Carolina Human Affairs Law of 1972; and with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as well as the ADA Amendments of 2008 (ADAA). For additional information on nondiscrimination policies, students should contact Student Disability Services, which coordinates Title II of the ADA/ADAA, Section 504 at (864) 250-8408 v/TTY; Title IX Coordinator at (864) 250-8144.

Note: Two separate statements will appear in the course syllabi pertaining to discrimination and accommodations needed based on pregnancy or related conditions. The college will fully comply with Title IX regulations. Accommodations may be sought from the Title IX Coordinator or Student Disability Services.

  1. Assistance with Food and Housing: The faculty and staff of Greenville Technical College are invested in ensuring that students are successful throughout their academic careers. To be successful, we understand that basic needs must be met.  If you become aware of students struggling with food or housing difficulties, please refer them to the Caring Corner in the UT Building (104), Room 137A on the Barton Campus.

  2. Respondus Lockdown Browser: This section provides directions to students on using Respondus Lockdown Browser, the remote proctoring service used for some classes, especially fully online courses. 

  3. Academic Coaching and Tutoring: This section provides students with directions for accessing coaching and tutoring.  

  4. Pass/Non-Pass Grade Option

    The Pass/Non-Pass grade option allows students to complete a course without affecting their overall grade point average (GPA).  

    Other benefits of this option include:

  • Continuing to learn course content, making the course less challenging if it must be repeated for a passing grade.
  • Exploring an unfamiliar course topic without risk to GPA.
  • Students have until the last day of a class to request this option. If approved for the P/NP option, a student will receive a grade of P if a grade of A, B, or C is entered by the course instructor. A grade of NP will be assigned if a grade of D or F is entered.
  • Important: This option is not a withdrawal. Students approved for P/NP must continue to attend and participate in class. Attendance policies still apply. If a student is withdrawn for non-attendance, they will receive a grade of WF, which computes as a grade of F in the student’s GPA.

More information can be found in the Course Pass/Non-Pass Option in the College catalog.

The Pass/Non-Pass Request form, a dynamic form submitted for review, is located on the College’s webpage, using the A-Z Index under "S">Student Forms>Student Records. This form is completed by the student, NOT the instructor. Once reviewed, the form is sent to student records, and the student is notified of the decision (approved or not).

At the end of the course, the faculty will record the student's grade as A, B, C, D, or F. They do not record as P or NP. Once the grade entered by the course instructor is verified, the grade will automatically be changed to either a P or NP in the system.

  1. Inclusive Access: This section provides instructions for accessing course materials and support with inclusive access if inclusive access is a part of a course. 

Academic School Template/Content

Each school has a school template to include policies/procedures or other school information common to all programs within the school. Some schools do not use this template. If this template is used by the school, the content of this template may not be modified by the faculty. 

Departmental Template/Content

Departmental content is managed by assigned department heads. This content may not be modified by faculty. This template may include departmental-wide policies and the grade schema. However, the grade schema may be entered in the Course Template/Content. Program student learning outcomes should be entered into this template. 

Grade Schema

The grade schema is a range of numerical grades and the letter grade associated with the numerical grade.  Effective fall semester 2024, the grading schema for all courses that use a numerical grade is as follows: 

A = 89.5 - 100%
B = 79.5 - 89.4%
C = 69.5 - 79.4%
D = 59.5 - 69.4%
F = 0 - 59.4%

Some courses may use satisfactory/unsatisfactory. A description of these grading criteria must be included in this section, but the numerical grade schema will not be included.

Note: If a department has a variety of grade schema (i.e., numerical and satisfactory/unsatisfactory) amongst its courses, the grade schema should be entered in the course template. If it is entered at the department level, faculty will not be able to edit.

Course Template/Content

The information included in the course template should include course/student learning outcomes/objectives. Student learning outcomes, also known as course outcomes or objectives, are primary competencies expected upon successful completion of the course. Outcomes objectives should be explained in detail using behavioral terms, e.g., observable and measurable, with stated criteria and conditions. A course should have no more than ten outcomes. 

Important: The course outcomes must be the same in each identical course regardless of mode of delivery. For example, all ENG 101 courses must include the exact same course outcomes in every section of ENG 101.

Section Syllabus

Approximately three weeks before the end of a term (refer to dates listed above), OIT will run feeds to download all syllabi for course sections to be taught in the upcoming semester. This process will create a shell of each course section syllabus. At this level, instructors can add pertinent information specific to their syllabus. The faculty member needs to input the following information: 

  1. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: This information should include the instructor's name, office location, telephone number, office hours, and email address. The instructor should also include a statement about preferred communication methods for phone and email messages.

    • Using the tools in Concourse, complete the Contact Entry and Office Hours.

  1. MATERIALS: This section will include the textbooks required and any additional materials needed for the course. This may be entered at the course template level. If so, this information will be pre-populated if no textbooks, equipment, or other items are required for the course; state that in the syllabus

  2. ADDITIONAL ITEMS:  If applicable, this section may include instructor-specific policies, instructor expectations, and information related to any proctored activity (i.e., testing center, Collaborate, virtual online proctoring) and any additional expenses incurred by students.

  3. COURSE SCHEDULE/Plan of Instruction:  The plan of instruction is referred to as SCHEDULE in Concourse and is prepared by either the department head or the lead instructor of the course. If the schedule is alike for all sections of a course, it’s best to enter this at the course template level for consistency. It will then copy to a section syllabus after the syllabi are created through feeds. At this point, the faculty of individual sections can add information, such as specific dates, if needed. 

    • A final exam must be given on the scheduled exam day; it SHOULD NOT BE given during a regular class meeting nor administered prior to the college's final exam dates. A significant academic activity may be substituted for the exam.

    • CLASS DATES: This information should contain dates of assignments due, tests, the final exam, and other specific class dates.  Faculty should provide students with the dates for drop periods and the last dates to withdraw without penalty.

    • OUTLINE OF TOPICS: This outline informs the student about the topics covered and the pace at which they will be presented, the type of instructional/teaching methods used, and the readings and/or class activities that will occur. This area should consist of either daily or weekly assignments, including but not limited to readings, tests, projects, papers, and activities.

  4. PROCTORED ACTIVITIES: Information related to any proctored activity, particularly for online courses, should contain dates, methods of proctoring (i.e., testing center, Collaborate, virtual online proctoring), and any additional expenses incurred by students.

Concourse Link

Once the section syllabus is ready for students to see, it is added as a link in the appropriate Blackboard course shell. Directions for doing this are located on the CISC Lib-guide. Faculty should no longer be using the old WORD template as the information is outdated.


Act 26 of 2021, known as the Reinforcing College Education on America’s Constitutional Heritage Act (REACH Act), requires undergraduate students enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program in a South Carolina public institution of higher learning to complete a three-credit course which requires, at minimum, students to read in their entirely the  Founding Documents. The two (2) courses that include the Founding Documents are HIS 201 - American History: Discovery to 1877 and PSC 201 - American Government. The Founding Documents are as follows:

  • The United States Constitution
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • The Emancipation Proclamation
  • Five (5) Federalist Papers
  • One or more documents foundational to the African American Struggle

Students who plan to transfer from GTC to a four-year South Carolina public institution of higher learning will be strongly encouraged to complete one of the courses (HIS 201 or PSC 201) that requires reading of the Founding Documents. The REACH Act Compliance Policy and Procedures are located on the college website. Department heads, academic program directors, and faculty who are responsible for teaching HIS 201 and PSC 201 must ensure compliance with the state requirements each semester. Refer to the requirements as outlined in the REACH Act Policy/Procedures