Retention and Destruction of Records

Greenville Technical College is required to ensure the proper management of records of the college as set forth in the South Carolina Public Records Act. Records Management provides guidance in the retention of college records, coordinates the proper destruction of records, acts as liaison with the South Carolina Department of Archives, and oversees the entire records management program. We have limited storage space available for records storage and only consider records with storage requirements of over three years for this service. 

Records Management is located in the IEL Building 108/Ground Floor.

Destruction of Records

Please contact Marcus Mack or Lisa Smith and provide the following information. 

  • Description of Records
  • Inclusive Dates: date range in month/year format (e.g., 6/2000-12/2004)
  • Volume: volume of records in cubic feet (for reference, one standard letter-size file drawer is approximately 1.5 cubic feet, and one standard bankers box is 1.0 cubic feet)​

Once you receive authorization from Records Management, you can place files in locked bins located in all buildings and on all campuses. If additional bins are needed, submit a work order through My Apps under the FMX tile.

Academic Departments' Records

  • Attendance Records – three years after the end of term or semester and until no longer needed for reference; destroy after notifying and receiving approval from Records Management.

  • Students' Graded Exams, Papers, and Homework – two years; destroy after notifying and receiving approval from Records Management. 

  • Departmental Student Information Files – two years after graduation or last attendance and until no longer needed for reference; destroy after notifying and receiving approval from Records Management.

  • Grade Books/Computer Grading Programs – one year after the end of term or semester and until no longer needed for reference; destroy after notifying and receiving approval from Records Management.

  • Student Evaluation of Instruction - after program audit and until no longer needed for reference; destroy after notifying and receiving approval from Records Management.

  • General Correspondence and Reference Files - until no longer needed for reference; destroy after notifying and receiving approval from Records Management. These files generally contain letters and/or memos to students from faculty, miscellaneous memos, general correspondence from inside and outside the college, etc.

  • Grant Files – three years after becoming inactive; destroy after notifying and receiving approval from Records Management. Many federal grants have a twenty-year retention, so refer to grant record-keeping requirements for details.           

Special Circumstances

  • Files for Nursing students must be maintained for ten years per departmental policy.
  • Files for Dental students and/or patients must be maintained for seven years per departmental policy.

Certain academic schools' policies regarding retention of grades, student information, etc., vary from the general rules. Be sure to follow your school's guidelines as long as they are more stringent than state requirements, which are the minimum expectations. The South Carolina Department of Archives must be notified when the above-mentioned records are destroyed. 

Retention of Records