Academic Coaching and Tutoring
Math Centers
Math Centers are open to any student or employee who needs extra assistance in mathematics courses. Various supplemental texts, access to computer software and cables for calculator downloads are also available.
The main Math Center is located in the Engineering Technology Building 103, Room 418 on the Barton Campus. Additionally, services are also available at the Benson, Brashier and Northwest campuses.
For more information and locations, visit
Writing Centers
Writing Centers are open to students or employees who need help with either written or oral communication. The primary Writing Center is located in the Engineering Technology Building 103, Room 225 on the Barton Campus.
For additional information and locations, visit
Dr. Doris Pugh, Program Coordinator
College data show that students who receive tutoring early in a course are more likely to meet their goals. Greenville Tech employs scores of tutors who provide free support for students in a wide range of subject areas.
The services offered through Academic Coaching & Tutoring are for students who wish to do better in their courses. Subject tutoring is provided on most campuses. Depending on subject matter and tutor availability, students may receive tutoring assistance through scheduled appointments, drop-in sessions, group or one-on-one tutoring, online sessions or workshops. Students may request tutoring on their own or be referred by a faculty member. Students may schedule tutoring appointments at
Additional tutoring for math, speech and writing is available through the Math and Writing Centers. Math and Writing Center services are provided at each campus, but hours and course availability may vary.
Additionally, via the Brainfuse® online tutoring service, any student can access free, real-time tutoring help or submit papers to the service’s writing center for review.
For more information about tutoring opportunities, visit
Online Tutoring (Brainfuse)
Brainfuse is a web-based tutoring service funded by the college to provide free assistance to GTC students. Brainfuse is accessible anytime, anywhere through GTC's Blackboard learning management system.
While success or failure in a course is the student’s responsibility, Academic Coaching & Tutoring is committed to doing everything possible to help students succeed academically. Contact Dr. Doris Pugh, Director of Academic Coaching & Tutoring, for additional information.
Academic Coaching
Academic Coaches help students define personal pathways to academic and professional success. Academic Coaches help students with time management, note-taking, study skills, course management, class preparation and more. For more information, visit