Operations Management
BUS 105 Business Economic Applications (3-0-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course includes the practical applications of economics used in marketing, retailing and management and the study of supply/demand, market structure, price regulations and trade. It emphasizes the practical applications of finance and economics used in all business environments and the study of the time value of money, asset valuation, risk and return, and capital budgeting.
BUS 110 Entrepreneurship (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course is an introduction to the process of starting a small business, including forms of ownership and management. Students will determine a business idea of interest to them, then develop it through a 10 stage process.
BUS 121 Business Law I (3-0-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course is a study of legal procedures, law and society, classifications and systems of law, the tribunals administering justice and their actions, contracts, sales, transfer of titles, rights and duties of the parties, conditions and warranties.
BUS 160 Fundamentals of Transportation and Logistics (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course introduces the basic forms of transportation and provides an understanding of the economic fundamentals underlying each mode.
BUS 190 Business Analytics I (3-0-3)
Offered Fall Semester
This course introduces basic concepts and applications of business analytics. Topics include an overview of the analytical process and the role of the analyst, applied descriptive statistics, and exploratory data analysis. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of analytics for decision-making in business.
BUS 230 Purchasing (3-0-3)
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisite: LOG 215 or MMT 101
This course is a study of the concepts and techniques involved in the efficient acquisition and management of purchased goods in business and/or industrial firms.
BUS 250 Introduction to International Business (3-0-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This is a survey course in international business designed to enhance the global perspective of business students. Emphasis is placed on the legal, cultural, economic and political factors faced in operating an international business.
BUS 270 SCWE in Business (0-12-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: Enrollment into this course will be determined on an individual case basis.
This course includes the integration of business skills within an approved work site related to business and industry. (See advisor and/or Management Department Head regarding enrollment into this course.)
BUS 299 Research in Business (0-9-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters based on student request and Instructor Permission
Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
This course provides an opportunity for students to investigate a faculty-approved topic related to Business using the application of practical research methods. The course is designed for students in a Business or Public Service program to explore part of their major in more depth by working one-on-one or in small groups on faculty- or student-designed research projects.
LOG 215 Supply Chain Management (3-0-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course is the study of all activities between suppliers, producers and end-users involving the flow of goods and services to include functions such as purchasing, manufacturing, assembling and distribution. The student will understand supply chain units and materials management processes.
LOG 240 Purchasing Logistics (3-0-3)
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisite: LOG 215
This course is the study of how purchasing impacts materials management, supply chain, transportation and global logistics processes. The student will understand methods of electronic sourcing as well as negotiating and pricing principles.
LOG 245 Production Planning Processes (3-0-3)
Offered Fall Semester
This course is a study of production processes involving process selection, facility layout, quality, waiting line analysis, Just in Time (JIT) and Lean operations.
LOG 250 Advanced Global Logistics (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course examines advanced applications related to global operations and logistics strategies, planning, technology, risk and management necessary in a global business environment. Emphasis is placed on global sourcing, shipping, tracking and e-logistics systems. This course is in the Supply Chain Management program but is open to students in other areas because of the extensive use of SAP, an enterprise resource planning system, which will reinforce the understanding of linkages with business processes.
LOG 260 Processes in Supply Chain Management (3-0-3)
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisite: LOG 215
This course is a study of supply chain management processes and how they integrate. Systems, Applications and Products (SAP) is used to reinforce the concepts of scheduling, planning and forecasting. This is the capstone course for the Supply Chain Management degree program.
MGT 101 Principles of Management (3-0-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course is a study of management theories, emphasizing the management functions of planning, decision-making, organizing, leading and controlling.
MGT 120 Small Business Management (3-0-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course is a study of small business management and organization, forms of ownership and the process of starting a new business. Emphasis is also placed on managing a small business. It is strongly recommended that BUS 105 be taken prior to this course.
MGT 150 Fundamentals of Supervision (3-0-3)
Offered based on enrollment
This course is a study of supervisory principles and techniques required to effectively manage human resources in an organization. First-line management is emphasized. (This course is for BMW cohort only)
MGT 201 Human Resource Management (3-0-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course is a study of personnel administration functions within a business organization. Major areas of study include job analysis; recruitment, selection and assessment of personnel; and wage, salary and benefit administration.
MGT 220 Operations Management I (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: MGT 101
This course introduces students to the concepts and practices that comprise operations management, including supply chain management. This course provides an overview of operating decisions and practices in multiple industry environments including manufacturing and service oriented businesses.
MGT 221 Operations Management II (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: MGT 220
This course is a continuation of the concepts of operations management and focuses on the strategic importance of the supply chain activities, such as management of inventory, materials, scheduling, lean production, and operations techniques.
MGT 240 Management Decision-Making (3-0-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course is a study of various structured approaches to managerial decision-making. This course is intended to be taken at the end of the Management program. Students are required to attend regular class sessions but may do so via webinar or in-person. They are also expected to meet regularly with their Glo-Bus simulation co-managers outside of class.
MGT 260 Leadership Fundamentals (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: MGT 101
This course examines the significant research and theories that provide the conceptual framework for viewing and practicing leadership as a collective enterprise. Emerging leaders are empowered through the leadership experience involving new organizational paradigms.
MGT 270 Managerial Communications (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Co-requisite: SPC 205
This course is a study of the skills used to create a climate for effective communication in the decision-making and problem-solving process. Emphasis is on developing resume writing and mock interviewing skills.