Construction Engineering Technology
CET 103 Construction Surveying (1-3-2)
Offered Spring and Fall Semesters
This course is an introduction to surveying as used in the construction industry, building and site layout, establishing elevations and setting batter boards, as well as other related topics.
CET 115 Mechanical & Electrical Systems (0-6-2)
Offered Fall and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: AET 127
This course is a study of mechanical and electrical design criteria for residential and light commercial structures.
CET 120 Construction Materials (2-3-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course includes a study of basic materials used in construction, including research of building product specifications, as included in construction methods.
CET 230 Construction Management (2-3-3)
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisite: AET 101
This course covers the study of management of construction firms, including one or more of the following areas: bidding process, contracts, job costs, labor costs and labor relations.
CET 232 Construction Estimating I (3-3-4)
Offered Fall Semester
This course covers the basic methods of estimating residential, commercial and industrial projects and the units of measure used for different building construction materials and processes.
CET 236 Computerized Construction Estimating (3-3-4)
Offered Spring Semester
This course covers the application of computerized construction estimating procedures. Timberline estimating software is used.
CET 238 Construction Planning & Scheduling (1-3-2)
Offered Spring Semester
This course covers the decision-making process involved in organizing the labor, materials and equipment for a construction project.
CET 254 Construction Senior Project (3-6-5)
Offered Spring Semester
In this course the student is issued a complete set of contract documents and is expected to compile a complete estimate for the project, including construction time schedule and total dollar allocation for materials, equipment and labor associated with the project.
CET 299 Applied Research in Construction (0-12-4)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: Instructor Permission
This course provides an opportunity for students to investigate a faculty-approved topic in the construction discipline using the application of practical research methods and is an independent study. This course is designed for students in the Construction Engineering Technology program to explore part of their major in more depth by working one-on-one or in small groups on faculty-or student-designed research projects.