Engineering Design Technology
EGT 110 Engineering Graphics I (2-6-4)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This is an introductory course in engineering graphics science, which includes beginning drawing techniques and development of skills to produce basic technical drawings.
EGT 115 Engineering Graphics II (2-6-4)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: EGT 110
This course in engineering graphics science includes additional drawing techniques for industrial applications.
EGT 119 Geometrics (3-0-3)
Offered Summer Semester
This course provides the student with an in-depth knowledge of both the interpretation of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing symbols and the inspection techniques (conventional and X, Y, Z coordinate measuring machines) necessary to determine if parts meet the specification required by the drawing.
EGT 151 Introduction to CAD (2-3-3)
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course covers the operation of a computer aided drafting system. The course includes interaction with a CAD station to produce technical drawings. This course includes mechanical and electrical applications using 2D AutoCAD as the design software.
EGT 210 Engineering Graphics III (2-6-4)
Offered Fall Semester
This advanced course in engineering graphics science covers the production of technical working drawings. This course is a project-based survey of basic mechanical and electrical engineering technology applications. The design process is explored with the results being presented as a set of technical drawings.
EGT 215 Mechanical Drawing Applications (2-6-4)
Offered Spring Semester
This advanced drawing course covers industrial applications. Provides an in-depth study of the mechanical design process. This includes analysis calculations, vendor catalogs, GD&T and the creation of a complete drawing package for manufacture of a consumer product or industrial machine.
EGT 245 Principles of Parametric CAD (2-3-3)
Offered Fall Semester
This course is the study of 3-D product and machine design utilizing state-of-the-art parametric design software. This course in an introduction to CATIA V5 3D CAD software.
EGT 252 Advanced CAD (2-3-3)
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisite: EGR 275
This course covers advanced concepts of CAD software and applications. This course constitutes part two of Solid Works. Advanced features of this design software are covered.