Health Information Management
HIM 101 Introduction to Health Information (1-0-1)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course provides an introduction to the health information science profession.
HIM 102 Introduction to Coding & Classification Systems (1-0-1)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course provides an introduction to classification systems, the role of coding in reimbursement, indexing and statistics and the beginning foundation of the study of disease. This course concentrates on the coding of diseases, procedures and services rendered in both the inpatient and outpatient setting.
HIM 110 Health Information Science I (2-3-3)
Offered Fall Semester
Pre- or Co-requisite: AHS 102
This course provides an in-depth study of the content, storage, retrieval, control and retention of health information systems.
HIM 115 Medical Records & the Law (1-3-2)
Offered Spring Semester
This course provides an introduction to the study of laws applicable to the health care field with emphasis on health information practices.
HIM 120 Health Information Science II (2-3-3)
Offered Spring Semester
This course covers quality assurance and health information management.
HIM 130 Billing and Reimbursement (2-3-3)
Offered Summer Semester
Co-requisite: HIM 141
This course provides an introduction to medical insurance billing and reimbursement practices with emphasis on the primary payers such as Medicare and Medicaid. The revenue cycle management practices and terminology is introduced.
HIM 135 Medical Pathology (3-0-3)
Offered Fall Semester
Pre- or Co-requisite: HIM 110
This course is a study of disease processes, general classification of disease, including signs and symptoms, systems affected by disease, diagnostic measures, types of treatment, including surgical and/or chemical intervention and terminology.
HIM 141 Current Procedural Terminology II (2-3-3)
Offered Summer Semester
Co-requisite: HIM 130
This course provides an intermediate study of the CPT and HCPCS coding and classification systems with respect to surgical outpatient facilities and hospitals.
HIM 163 Supervised Clinical Practice I (2-3-3)
Offered Spring Semester
Co-requisite: HIM 225
This course includes correlation of didactic and laboratory experiences with clinical experiences in various health care facilities.
HIM 164 Supervised Clinical Practice II (2-3-3)
Offered Summer Semester
Co-requisite: HIM 227
This course includes clinical experience in the technical aspects of health information management.
HIM 215 Registries and Statistics (2-3-3)
Offered Spring Semester
Pre- or Co-requisite: HIM 110
This course includes a study of vital and health care statistics and registries in health information systems.
HIM 216 Coding and Classification I (2-3-3)
Offered Fall Semester
This course includes a study of disease and procedural coding and classification systems.
HIM 225 Coding and Classification II (2-3-3)
Offered Spring Semester
Co-requisite: HIM 163
This course provides a study of advanced coding and classification systems.
HIM 227 Senior Professional Competencies (3-0-3)
Offered Summer Semester
Co-requisite: HIM 164
This capstone course is designed to promote interactive discussion related to the HIM profession to include career issues and opportunities. The course includes specific projects and capstone competencies in a mock testing environment.
HIM 265 Supervisory Principles (2-3-3)
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisite: HIM 215
This course covers principles of authority/responsibility, delegation and effective communication, organization charts, job descriptions, policies and procedures, employee motivation, discipline and performance evaluation in health information management.
HIM 266 Computers in Health Care (2-3-3)
Offered Fall Semester
This course covers hardware and software components of computers for medical record applications, methods of controlling accuracy and security of data in computer systems, record linkage and data sharing concepts.