Radiologic Technology
RAD 101 Introduction to Radiography (2-0-2)
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisite: Medical Imaging Sciences Department Head Permission
This course provides an introduction to radiologic technology with emphasis on orientation to the radiology department, ethics and basic radiation protection.
RAD 102 Radiology Patient Care Procedures (2-1-2)
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisite: Medical Imaging Sciences Department Head Permission
This course provides a study of the procedures and techniques used in the care of the diagnostic imaging patient.
RAD 103 Introduction to Computed Tomography (2-0-2)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: Program Coordinator Permission
This course is a study of the technological developments behind computed tomography, an overview of scanner components, terminology, data acquisition, digital imaging, image reconstruction, display and manipulations. Current applications will be explored, including patient screening, contract utilization and administration, contrast reactions and treatment, pediatrics, conscious sedation and monitoring and radiation protection.
RAD 107 Physics for Medical Imaging (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: MAT 109 or higher
This course provides an overview of the mechanical concepts of distance, time, mass, force, energy and power. Topics include mechanics, wave motion, sound and electromagnetism.
RAD 111 Introduction to Radiographic Physics (2-0-2)
Offered Fall Semester
This course provides an overview of radiographic mathematical applications and unit conversion, as well as a basic overview of mechanical concepts of distance, time, mass, force, energy and power. Concepts of structure of matter and principles of electromagnetic radiation are included.
RAD 112 Radiographic Imaging Fundamentals (1-3-2)
Offered Fall Semester
This course is an introduction to the study of the fundamental principles and techniques of radiographic imaging. Topics include image quality terms, primary exposure factors, the rationale and methods for primary exposure factor selection and introductory image evaluation techniques.
RAD 114 Radiographic Imaging Fundamentals II (1-3-2)
Offered Spring Semester
This course provides advanced instruction in primary and secondary influencing imaging factors and advanced imaging applications.
RAD 120 Principles of Computed Tomography (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: Admission into the Computed Tomography program or Program Coordinator Permission
This course is a study of assurance procedures and radiation dosimetry in computed tomography. Special applications of computer tomography will be explored including interventional procedures, high speed CT scanning, three dimensional CT and multi-planar reformations. A review of special scanner features will also be covered in the course. This course provides the basic understanding of the inter-workings of a CT scanner, along with an in-depth look at the physics behind image generation, quality assurance procedures, radiation dosimeter and image reformation.
RAD 130 Radiographic Procedures I (2-3-3)
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Phase II of Radiologic Technology program
This course provides an introduction to radiographic procedures. Positioning of the chest, abdomen and extremities are included.
RAD 135 Computed Tomography Body and Musculoskeletal Protocols (2-0-2)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Computed Tomography program
This course provides the basic imaging protocols and patient positioning for CT exams of the abdomen, pelvis and musculoskeletal system. Case studies including anatomy and pathology of the abdomen, pelvis and extremities will be explored.
RAD 136 Radiographic Procedures II (2-3-3)
Offered Spring Semester
This course is a study of radiographic procedures for visualization of the structures of the body.
RAD 140 Computed Tomography Clinical Applications I (0-18-6)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Computed Tomography program
This course provides the student with clinical experience in basic CT scanning. Students will explore techniques related to patient safety, radiation protection and exam protocols.
RAD 145 Computed Tomography Physics and Instrumentation (3-0-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: Admission into the Computed Tomography program or Program Coordinator Permission
This course is a study of Computed Tomography physics and instrumentation. The course provides an overview of technology, application and practice that is unique to the Computed Tomography profession.
RAD 152 Applied Radiography I (0-6-2)
Offered Fall Semester
This course introduces the clinical environment of the hospital by providing basic use of radiographic equipment and routine radiographic procedures.
RAD 160 Clinical Applications II (0-18-6)
Offered Spring Semester
This course is a continuation of practice of hands-on clinical skills in hospital/outpatient environments.
RAD 175 Applied Radiography III (0-15-5)
Offered Summer Semester
This course includes clinical education needed for building competence in performing radiographic procedures within the clinical environment.
RAD 201 Radiation Biology (2-0-2)
Offered Spring Semester
This course is a study of the principles of radiobiology and protection. It emphasizes procedures that keep radiation exposure to patients, personnel and the population at large to a minimum.
RAD 205 Radiographic Pathology (2-0-2)
Offered Summer Semester
This course provides a survey of disease processes significant to the radiographer, including etiology, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
RAD 225 Selected Radiographic Topics (2-0-2)
Offered Fall Semester
This course is a study of selected areas related to radiography.
RAD 230 Radiographic Procedures III (2-3-3)
Offered Summer Semester
This course is a study of special radiographic procedures.
RAD 236 Radiography Seminar II (2-0-2)
Offered Spring Semester
Co-requisite: RAD 278
This course includes selected areas of radiography that require additional study or application.
RAD 268 Advanced Radiography II (0-24-8)
Offered Fall Semester
This course includes routine radiographic examinations, as well as advanced procedures, while continuing to build self-confidence in the clinical atmosphere.