University Transfer Course Listing

This is a listing of Greenville Tech courses that are designated as University Transfer.  (Courses that appear with an asterisk (*) appear on the Commission of Higher Education’s Statewide Articulation List of Universally Transferable Courses from all technical colleges.)  Credits for these courses do not automatically transfer to a four-year college or university.  Students are responsible for checking with the university or college to which they plan to transfer in order to determine which courses they should complete at Greenville Tech.  Please consult an academic advisor or counselor regarding a plan of study.


Course Title Hours
ACC 101Accounting Principles I*3
ACC 102Accounting Principles II*3

Allied Health Science

Course Title Hours
AHS 102Medical Terminology3
AHS 147Clinical Pharmacology3


Course Title Hours
EDU 230Schools in Communities4
EDU 245Principles of American Education3


Course Title Hours
CPT 234C Programming I3
ECE 205Electrical and Computer Lab I3
ECE 210Computer Engineering Lab I1
ECE 211Introduction to Computer Engineering I3
ECE 212Introduction to Computer Engineering II3
ECE 215Computer Engineering Lab II1
ECE 220Electrical Engineering Lab I1
ECE 221Introduction to Electrical Engineering I3
ECE 222Introduction to Electrical Engineering II3
ECE 225Electrical Engineering Lab II1
EGR 203Foundations of Fluid and Thermal Systems3
EGR 204Mechanics of Materials3
EGR 206Introduction to Materials Science3
EGR 210Introduction to Engineering CAD3
EGR 260Engineering Statics3
EGR 262Engineering Dynamics3
EGR 269Engineering Disciplines and Skills3
EGR 270Introduction to Engineering3
EGR 275Introduction to Engineering/Computer Graphics3

English Communications - Written

Course Title Hours
ENG 101English Composition I*3
ENG 102English Composition II*3

English Communications – Oral

Course Title Hours
SPC 205Public Speaking*3
SPC 208Intercultural Communication3
SPC 209Interpersonal Communication3

Freshman Seminar

Course Title Hours
COL 105Freshman Seminar3


Course Title Hours
ART 101Art History and Appreciation*3
ART 105Film as Art*3
ART 106History of Photography3
ART 107History of Early Western Art3
ART 108History of Western Art3
ART 208Art Since 19453
ART 210History of Graphic Design3
ENG 201American Literature I*3
ENG 202American Literature II*3
ENG 205English Literature I*3
ENG 206English Literature II*3
ENG 207Literature for Children3
ENG 208World Literature I*3
ENG 209World Literature II*3
ENG 213Short Fiction3
ENG 225Graphic Literature3
ENG 228Studies in Film Genre3
ENG 230Women in Literature*3
ENG 238Creative Writing3
ENG 298Research in English3
FRE 101Elementary French I*4
FRE 102Elementary French II*4
FRE 201Intermediate French I*3
FRE 202Intermediate French II*3
GER 101Elementary German I*4
GER 102Elementary German II*4
GER 201Intermediate German I3
GER 202Intermediate German II3
HIS 101Western Civilization to 1689*3
HIS 102Western Civilization Post 1689*3
HIS 104World History I3
HIS 105World History II3
HIS 106Introduction to African History3
HIS 115African-American History3
HIS 122History, Technology and Society3
HIS 201American History: Discovery to 1877*3
HIS 202American History: 1877 to Present*3
HSS 295Leadership Through the Humanities3
HSS 298Research in the Humanities3
MUS 105Music Appreciation*3
MUS 110Music Fundamentals3
PHI 101Introduction to Philosophy*3
PHI 105Introduction to Logic*3
PHI 110Ethics*3
REL 101Introduction to Religion3
REL 102Introduction to Biblical Studies3
REL 201Religions of the World3
SPA 101Elementary Spanish I*4
SPA 102Elementary Spanish II*4
SPA 201Intermediate Spanish I*3
SPA 202Intermediate Spanish II*3
THE 101Introduction to Theatre*3
THE 105Fundamentals of Acting3

Human Services

Course Title Hours
HUS 101Introduction to Human Services3
HUS 102Personal and Professional Development in Helping Professions3
HUS 204Introduction to Social Work3
HUS 205Gerontology3
HUS 206Death and Dying3
HUS 208Alcohol and Drug Abuse3
HUS 209Case Management3
HUS 216Behavior Change Techniques3
HUS 217Addictions Counseling3
HUS 220Diversity Issues in Human Services Practice3
HUS 231Counseling Techniques3
HUS 237Crisis Intervention3
HUS 260Human Services Special Topics3


Course Title Hours
MAT 103Quantitative Reasoning3
MAT 109College Algebra with Modeling3
MAT 110College Algebra*3
MAT 111College Trigonometry*3
MAT 120Probability and Statistics*3
MAT 130Elementary Calculus*3
MAT 140Analytical Geometry and Calculus I*4
MAT 141Analytical Geometry and Calculus II*4
MAT 211Math for Elementary Education I3
MAT 212Math for Elementary Education II3
MAT 215Geometry3
MAT 220Advanced Statistics3
MAT 230Basic Multivariable Calculus3
MAT 240Analytical Geometry & Calculus III*4
MAT 242Differential Equations*4

Sciences - Biological and Physical

Course Title Hours
AST 101Solar System Astronomy*4
AST 102Stellar Astronomy*4
BIO 101Biological Science I*4
BIO 102Biological Science II*4
BIO 105Principles of Biology (non-majors biology)4
BIO 203General Genetics4
BIO 209Principles of Environmental Science4
BIO 210Anatomy & Physiology I*4
BIO 211Anatomy & Physiology II*4
BIO 215Anatomy4
BIO 216Physiology4
BIO 225Microbiology*4
BIO 240Nutrition3
BIO 241Clinical Nutrition3
BIO 260Immunology3
BIO 275Human Pathophysiology3
BIO 299Research in the Biological Sciences3
CHM 105General Organic & Biochemistry4
CHM 110College Chemistry I*4
CHM 111College Chemistry II*4
CHM 211Organic Chemistry I*4
CHM 212Organic Chemistry II*4
CHM 213Principles of Biochemistry3
CHM 299Research in Chemistry3
GLY 101Physical Geology4
PHS 101Physical Science I4
PHY 201Physics I*4
PHY 202Physics II*4
PHY 221University Physics I*4
PHY 222University Physics II*4

Social Sciences

Course Title Hours
ANT 101General Anthropology*3
ANT 202Cultural Anthropology3
ECO 210Macroeconomics*3
ECO 211Microeconomics*3
GEO 101Introduction to Geography*3
GEO 102World Geography*3
PSC 201American Government*3
PSC 205Politics and Government3
PSC 215State and Local Government*3
PSC 220Introduction to International Relations3
PSY 201General Psychology*3
PSY 203Human Growth and Development*3
PSY 206Health Psychology3
PSY 208Human Sexuality*3
PSY 212Abnormal Psychology*3
PSY 225Social Psychology3
PSY 299Research in Psychology3
SOC 101Introduction to Sociology*3
SOC 205Social Problems*3
SOC 225Gender Issues3
SOC 299Research in Sociology3

Visual Arts

Course Title Hours
ART 111Basic Drawing I3
ART 112Basic Drawing II3
ART 200Type Designing3
ART 202Ceramics3
ART 203Ceramics II3
ART 207Printmaking3
ART 210History of Graphic Design3
ART 211Introduction to Painting3
ART 268Seminar in Fine Arts3
ART 290Photojournalism3
ARV 110Computer Graphics I3
ARV 114Photography I3
ARV 121Design3
ARV 1223-Dimensional Design I3
ARV 205Graphic Illustration3
ARV 210Computer Graphics II3
ARV 212Digital Photography3
ARV 214Photography II3
ARV 215Photography III3
ARV 217Computer Imagery3
ARV 222Computer Animation3
ARV 227Web Site Design I3
ARV 228Web Site Design II3
ARV 230Visual Arts Business Procedures3
ARV 241Painting II3
ARV 244Sculpture I3
ARV 276Studio Practicum I3
ARV 280Visual Arts Exit Portfolio3


Course Title Hours
THE 205Intermediate Acting3
THE 220Theatre Laboratory I1
THE 221Theatre Laboratory II1
THE 222Theatre Laboratory III1
THE 226Children’s Theatre3
THE 250Makeup for Performance3
THE 253Stagecraft3
THE 276Script Analysis3
THE 290Voice and Diction for the Stage3