Campus Safety and Security
Greenville Technical College is a large community with over 40,000 students enrolled annually in credit and non-credit courses. The college is a safe community, but it is not crime-free. No community in America is totally crime-free. The college cares about the safety of its students, employees and guests and is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our students, faculty/staff and visitors.
The GTC Police Department is the law enforcement agency for all campuses and associated GTC properties and provides 24-hour coverage 365 days a year. Our police department has partnered with the Greenville City Police Communications, which has allowed quicker response to calls for assistance and 911 service for all our campus locations. Communication is maintained by telephone and/or radio. Escorts to parking lots are available upon request.
Our police department maintains a close and cooperative working relationship with the City of Greenville Police Department, Greenville County Sheriff’s Office, Greenville County Public Safety [Forensics], and other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
It is the intent of the college to comply with the requirements of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990 (Clery Act) as amended, the Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act, part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-315), and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (Campus SaVE) Act, a part of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), passed as a complement to the Title IX Guidance by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. To comply with both the letter and spirit of these acts, the following statements and information constitute the policy of Greenville Technical College regarding these acts.
The GTC Police Department shall be primarily responsible for carrying out the mandates of the Clery Act. Our police department has developed procedures and methods to respond to reports of crime and other emergencies on campus and shall, along with the local, state and federal police agencies when necessary, investigate crimes that occur on campus.
Students and others are encouraged to report immediately and accurately all criminal actions and other emergencies. Everyone is also encouraged to file a police report for all criminal activities and police matters. Please contact dispatch by dialing 911. Fire and medical emergencies should also be reported by dialing 911. Greenville E911 now provides dispatch services for GTC Police. Whenever such reporting is not possible or practical, students and others are encouraged to go to the nearest office and request that the GTC Police Department be contacted. GTC employees who receive reports of a crime having been committed on campus are to contact the GTC Police Department immediately.
Once a crime is reported to our police department, the following actions will ensue:
- An officer of the GTC Police department will interview the victim and any available witnesses. An Incident Report will be generated by our police department, and those required to be reported will be transmitted to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) through their Incident-Based Reporting System (SCIBRS), which will then be compiled and reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) through their National Incident Reporting System (NIBRS).
- A daily crime log will be maintained in compliance with the act (
- If the perpetrator of a crime can be identified, a warrant may be issued for the perpetrator’s arrest.
- Whenever other law enforcement agencies are involved with the investigation, the GTC Police Department will attempt to acquire a copy of any reports generated by those agencies and will file them in the original case file, maintaining copies in accordance with the law. Duplications will be avoided; all crimes within the jurisdiction of the GTC Police Department will be reported by the department, and all other participating agencies will maintain reports as “Information Only” to avoid duplicate reporting to state (SCIBRS) and national (NIBRS) databases.
Even if a crime victim does not wish to file a police report, the Clery Act still requires the college to add the crime to the total number of reportable incidents. To this end, a group of employees has been defined as Campus Security Authorities (CSA) in accordance with the law.
On-campus Title IX disciplinary procedures against students will be in accordance with the Student Code, as detailed in the Greenville Technical College Catalog and Student Handbook. The Title IX team uses “preponderance of evidence” for the standard in deliberations. Those conducting the disciplinary proceedings will receive annual training related to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking as well as how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability. Both the accuser and the accused are entitled to have others present during a disciplinary proceeding. Both will be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding. The outcome of a disciplinary proceeding means only Greenville Technical College’s final determination regarding the alleged sexual offense and any sanction imposed against the accused. Sanctions, which may be imposed following a final determination of any disciplinary proceeding, including rape, acquaintance rape, or other forcible or non-forcible sex offenses, may include warning, probation, suspension or dismissal.
Greenville Technical College prohibits retaliation by its officers, employees, students or agents against a person who exercises their rights or responsibilities under any federal or state law provision, including Title IX and the Campus Save Act or this policy.
Annual reports, as required by the Clery Act, shall be published on or before October 1 each year and made available to students, applicants for admissions, employees, applicants for employment or any interested party. This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned by Greenville Technical College; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campuses. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by accessing the following URL on the Greenville Technical College website: If desired, you may also obtain a printed copy by contacting the GTC Police Department.
Our police department and other college departments shall provide reasonable support to victims of on-campus crimes. Referrals to appropriate off-campus support agencies will be made with the consent of the victim. Only authorized use is to be made of the college campus and facilities. Utilization of facilities by outside groups or organizations must be approved in advance and entered into R25, so that police, facilities, custodial services and other departments are kept up-to-date regarding their responsibilities. Approved student organizations may use college facilities whenever requirements for such use, as stated in this handbook, are met. Only authorized college employees are to have a key to any campus facility.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
The sale, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or narcotics, hallucinogens, stimulants and marijuana are specifically prohibited on all campus properties. Violations will be reported to the GTC Police Department for prosecution. Behavior resulting from the use of alcohol or other drugs that poses danger to the student or others will not be tolerated and could result in disciplinary sanctions.
No alcoholic beverages are to be served or consumed at any on-campus or off-campus college function. This includes club, departmental and class activities such as meetings, field trips, picnics, parties and similar activities. No GTC funds will be authorized for the purpose of purchasing alcoholic beverages.
Individuals who experience alcohol/drug dependency are encouraged to seek assistance through the Counseling Department, the Phoenix Center or the South Carolina Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.
The college complies with Section 1213 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. As part of the compliance procedure, the college provides each student and employee with a copy of the “Alcohol and Other Drug Use” policy as adopted by the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education. This policy contains information concerning the following.
- The technical college system’s prohibition of the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of narcotics, drugs, other controlled substances or alcohol at the workplace and in the educational setting.
- The effects and health risks associated with alcohol consumption.
- The effects and health risks associated with the consumption of controlled substances.
- South Carolina laws relating to alcohol and other drugs.
- Federal penalties for the possession of controlled substances.
- Local (City of Greenville or Greenville County) ordinances and penalties relating to drugs and contraband.
- Assistance programs are available to students and employees.
A copy of the Alcohol and Other Drug Use policy is available at the following link: 8-08.1 Procedures - Alcohol and Other Drug Use | Greenville Technical College
Registered Sex Offenders
Information about registered sex offenders in South Carolina is maintained jointly by the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and local Sheriff’s Offices. The listing of registered sex offenders is available from SLED through the following URL:
A guide to assist in locating sex offenders in and around Greenville Technical College campuses and facilities is available. The guide can be found on the GTC web page at the following URL:
If you need further assistance with sex offender information, please contact the GTC Police Department.
Traffic Regulations
All students, faculty, and staff members are required to be familiar with and observe all parking and traffic regulations. Every vehicle brought on campus must have either a parking decal or a temporary permit. Decals should be permanently affixed to the rear window, driver’s side, in the lower corner. Do not back in or drive through a parking space. Vehicles with moveable/removable tops (convertibles, Jeeps, camper tops/shells) should apply the decal to the front windshield, driver’s side, in the lower corner.
A taped decal is not considered permanently affixed or properly displayed, and a fine may be assessed. New vehicles with paper tags are not required to have a parking decal until a permanent tag is attached. No fine will be assessed as long as the vehicle is parked in a space marked by white lines.
Students are expected to park their vehicles between white lines and leave the parking area once they have arrived on campus. Vehicles may not be backed into a space or driven through two spaces to appear as they were. Loitering in parking areas will not be permitted.
Parking Decals
Student and Faculty/Staff decals are distributed by the GTC Police Department. On the Barton Campus, decals are available from the I.D. Office located on the Barton Campus in GTC Police Headquarters, Engineering Technologies Building 103, Room 123. For more information, including office hours, visit our web page at or call the I.D. Office at (864) 236-6435. On the Brashier, Benson, and Northwest campuses, decals are available from the Public Safety Officer on duty at each campus.
The decal must be placed outside the vehicle, on a clean rear window on the left (driver’s) side, and at the bottom. Exceptions to this rule are the following:
- Convertibles and trucks with removable covers: The decal can be placed on the front windshield.
- Motorcycles: Place the decal in a visible location, such as the front fork, fender, data plate area, windshield, etc.
Student Decals – White Line space only
You will need
- Vehicle information, including tag number and registered owner.
- Copy of your current class schedule showing your student ID number or your GTC Student picture ID.
- Valid Driver’s License.
Faculty/Staff Decals – Green or white line spaces
You will need
- Vehicle information, including tag number.
- Your ID number (found on your pay advice.)
- Valid Driver’s License and Faculty/Staff ID.
Temporary Parking Permits
Five types of temporary parking permits are available: Student, Faculty/Staff, Visitor/Guest, Contractor, and Short Term Visitor. Temporary permits are available at any of the above locations. Bring your valid Driver’s License, College ID and vehicle information (including tag number) with you. Place the temporary permit inside your vehicle on the dash, driver’s side, and park as normal.
Temporary decals are valid until expiration on all campuses in designated parking spaces.
Parking Rules
- Failure by any person to find a parking space shall not be an excuse for violating these regulations.
- No person shall park in any areas or spaces other than those that are valid.
- Do not back in or drive through 2 parking spaces; all vehicles should have the rear of the vehicle facing out. In parallel parking spaces, park with the traffic flow (the vehicle's passenger side should be on the curb.)
- Colors used in the parking lots:
- White Lines: Valid for student or faculty/staff decals and temporary permits.
- Green Lines: Valid for faculty/staff only until 5 p.m. After 5 p.m., students may park in unmarked green line paces with a valid decal/temporary permit.
- Blue Lines: State regulated, requires disability license tag or disability permit issued by SCDMV or home state DMV.
- Yellow Lines: No parking at any time.
- Black Lines: Spaces that have been painted out (no longer a parking space). No parking at any time.
- Parking Violations
Violations Violations Fines A. Blocking a fire hydrant $100.00 B. Unauthorized parking in a Disability space (blue lines) 100.00 C. Unauthorized parking in a Faculty/Staff space (green lines) 50.00 D. Double Parking 50.00 E. Backing in or driving through a parking space 15.00 F. Parking in a manner that obstructs a sidewalk, crosswalk or roadway 50.00 G. Parking in a roadway, driveway or on a sidewalk 50.00 H. Parking in an area not designated as a parking space 50.00 I. Parking in a designated no parking zone (sign, markings or yellow curb) 50.00 J. Parking in a closed-off area, marked by cones, barricades or tape 50.00 K. Parking in a service area or service vehicles pace, at a loading dock or on a service road or driveway 50.00 L. Parking out of lines 15.00 M. Parking overnight without authorization 15.00 N. Parking against the flow of traffic 15.00 O. Parking in spaces designated for carpool/fuel-efficient vehicles only 25.00 - Vehicle Violations
Violations Violations Fines A. Failure to display current parking decal or temporary permit $25.00 B. Improper display of decal (not permanently affixed) 25.00 C. Larceny (theft) of parking decal 100.00 D. Misuse of decal or temporary permit (transferring from one vehicle to another) 20.00 - Moving Violations
Note: Sworn GTC Police officers carry state citation books which may be used for moving violations in lieu of the below:Violations Violations Fines A. Running a stop sign $100.00 B. Failure to yield right of way 100.00 C. Speeding 50.00 D. Reckless driving 100.00 E. Driving too fast for conditions 50.00 F. Violation of one-way street 50.00 G. Driving in areas of the campus which have been closed by barricades, signs, yellow lines or other traffic control devices 50.00 H. Failure to yield to pedestrians 50.00 I. Vehicular traffic off roadway 50.00 J. Passing a moving vehicle 50.00 K. Failure to stop for an officer 100.00 L. Operating an unsafe vehicle 50.00 - Additional Fines
Violations Violations Fines A. Littering $50.00 B. Failure to show or surrender I.D. 15.00 C. Noise Violation 50.00 D. Violation of GTC Tobacco Policy - First Offense 25.00 E. Violation of GTC Tobacco Policy - Second Offense 50.00
Repeat violators may have vehicles towed off campus at their own expense and may have campus driving privileges suspended.
All fines and penalties are subject to change whenever a person is cited more than once for the same violation. All fines are subject to change upon written notice and approval by the Greenville Technical College President’s Cabinet.
Settlement of Fines or Penalties
Whenever a person is cited for a violation, they may:
- Pay the Bursar's Office the fine amount set forth in the traffic regulations. (Fines are due to be paid within 10 working days.)
- Appeal the citation to the Ticket Appeals Committee. The appeal forms are located online at You may attach up to three documents and/or photos to your appeal. An appeal must be made within five working days of the date the citation was written. An appeals committee is convened weekly to adjudicate violations. For more information, please contact the dean of students office at (864) 250-8102 [x8102].
- Students who are indebted to Greenville Technical College in any way must clear all debts before registering for a subsequent semester, before graduating and before receiving semester grade reports and/or transcripts.
Note: Any person having to leave a vehicle parked on campus overnight or for any period of 24 hours or more must contact the GTC Police Department. A reporting form is available in person at the GTC Police Headquarters and ID Office, Barton Campus Building 103, Room 123. The form is also available on our website in the Temporary Parking Permit section of the Vehicle Registration page ( Please have the following information ready:
- Description and tag number of vehicle
- Name of owner and/or driver
- Phone number where the owner and/or driver can be reached
- Approximate length of time the vehicle will be left on campus
The college will not be responsible for any damage incurred by any vehicle.
Parking for Persons with Disabilities
Handicapped parking spaces are available only to those with a valid state disabled placard or vehicle tag. Campus officials, by law, cannot issue handicap decals. Placards and tags can only be obtained in South Carolina through the Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) or from the DMV in your home state. For more information and an application, visit this URL: Disabled placards or vehicle tags may only be utilized by the person to whom the placard or tag is issued. Disability spaces are to be reserved for those that need them. GTC Police may verify placards or tags randomly to ensure compliance with the law.
Effective January 1, 2010, SCDMV began issuing disabled placards containing a photo of the individual the placard was issued, along with certificates verifying their eligibility. SC disability placards without a photo are no longer valid.
Skateboards and Wheeled Conveyances
For the safety of users and pedestrians, all motorized or electrical skates, skateboards, hoverboards, roller skates, rollerblades/inline skates, other foot-powered devices and similar equipment are prohibited within GTC-owned, operated, or leased buildings, and on all GTC campus and off-campus properties, including campus pathways, roads, and sidewalks. Bicycles (manual, motorized or electrical) are excluded from outdoor restrictions. On campuses with bicycle paths, bicyclists are encouraged to remain within the designated pathways.
Emergency Assistance
Persons who encounter problems in the parking lots such as a stalled vehicle or keys locked in a vehicle may request assistance by contacting the GTC Police Department at (864) 250-8001 [x8001] option 1.
Neither Greenville Technical College nor any of its employees will be responsible for any damages done to a vehicle when assistance is rendered at the student’s request. If this is not acceptable, persons are encouraged to seek assistance from a local business that will perform this service for a fee.
Accident Reporting Procedures/Accident Insurance
In the event that an accident — personal or vehicular — occurs on campus, it should be reported immediately to the GTC Police Department by dialing 911.
The college maintains an accident insurance policy for all students. There is a $25 deductible that applies to student insurance claims. The student is responsible for paying, at minimum, the deductible to the attending physician or hospital. Claims will be considered for a period of one year from the date of the accident. Students should contact the administrative assistant to the Dean of Students, Beattie E. Huff Student Center 105, Suite 201, (864) 250-8102 [x8102], for assistance with insurance claims. Accidents that are not reported properly may not be covered by student insurance.
Student Identification Cards
All students are required to have a current Greenville Tech student identification card. The ID card must be in the student’s possession at all times while on campus and must be presented to any faculty, staff or administrative personnel upon request. Students who fail to produce a valid student ID as requested are subject to a fine and/or disciplinary action.
ID cards must be presented to obtain a library card and gain admission to various student activities. Various merchants in the Greenville area may give discounts to students who present an ID card.
Enrolled students must present their government-issued photo identification to receive a student picture ID card. Students may obtain their ID card at the following locations:
- GTC Police Headquarters: Engineering Technologies Building 103, Room 123, Phone (864) 250-8001 [x8001] option 2.
- Brashier Campus: George E. Bomar Building 201 Rotunda, Phone (864) 250-4135 [x4135].
- Benson Campus: Jim and Evelyn Benson Center Building 301, main entrance, Phone (864) 250-3027 [x3027].
For more information, including office hours, visit our web page at or call the office numbers listed above.
Privacy of Student Educational Records
What is FERPA?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, also known as the Buckley Amendment, prescribes the conditions under which information about students can be released. It is the policy of Greenville Technical College to follow the guidelines in order to protect the privacy of our students. The following statement of student rights is made under the provisions of the act and is afforded to all eligible students.
- The right to inspect and review the information contained in the student’s educational records.
- The right to request amendment of the contents of the student’s educational records if believed to be inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. The student should submit their request to the Registrar’s Office identifying the record(s) they wish to inspect. The registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where records may be inspected.
- The right to prevent disclosure without consent, with certain exceptions of personally identifiable information, from the student’s informational records.
- The right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the provisions of the act. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is the Family Policy Compliance Office in Washington, DC. The Act applies to all institutions that are recipients of federal funding.
Who is protected under FERPA?
Students who are currently enrolled at Greenville Technical College, or were formerly enrolled, are covered under FERPA. Students who have applied but have not attended Greenville Technical College do not have rights under FERPA.
What are education records?
With certain exceptions, a student has rights of access to records that are directly related to him/her and are maintained by Greenville Technical College or a party authorized to keep records for Greenville Technical College. “Education records” generally include any records in the possession of Greenville Technical College that contain information directly related to a student, with the exception of those addressed below. FERPA coverage includes records, files, documents and data directly related to students. This would include transcripts or other records obtained from a school in which a student was previously enrolled.
What is not included in an education record?
Records not covered under FERPA include:
- Sole-possession records or private notes held by educational personnel that are not accessible or released to other personnel.
- Law enforcement or campus security records that are solely for law enforcement purposes.
- Records relating to an individual’s employment by Greenville Technical College (unless employment is contingent on student status).
- Records relating to treatment provided by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other recognized professional or paraprofessional and disclosed only to individuals providing treatment.
- Records of Greenville Technical College that contain only information about an individual obtained after that person is no longer a student at Greenville Technical College (e. g., alumni records).
What is directory information?
Greenville Technical College may disclose information about a student without violating FERPA through what is known as “directory information.” Directory information is defined as student name; address; telephone number; dates of attendance; participation in officially recognized sports and activities; height and weight of athletes; program of study; anticipated date of graduation; degree, diploma or certificate conferred; and full-time/part-time status. Students who wish to request non-disclosure of the above items should complete a Change in Confidentiality of Student Information Form available from the Enrollment Services Office.
Who would generally be permitted access without the student’s written consent?
Those generally permitted access to education records include Greenville Technical College officials who have “legitimate educational interests,” and the issuer of a judicial order or subpoena that allows us to release records without the student’s consent. A school official is a person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory or support staff person (including the Greenville Technical College Police Department). Additionally, a person or company with whom the college has contracted is considered a school a school official for this purpose; i.e., the college or state attorney, an auditor, collection agent, area commissioners, student serving on an official college committee or a student assisting another school official in performing his/her tasks, officials of other institutions to which the student seeks enrollment, persons or organizations providing financial aid to the student or determining financial aid decisions, a parent of a student who has established that the student is a dependent according to the IRS Code of 1986 (Section 152), persons in an emergency situation if the knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or other persons.
When can personally identifiable information be disclosed from an education record?
With specific exceptions (listed below), written consent must be signed, dated and provided by the student before any disclosure is made. The consent must specify the records that may be disclosed, state the purpose of disclosure and identify the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made. The written consent applies until the student revokes the request.
What is “personally identifiable information”?
Personally identifiable information includes:
- The student’s name.
- The name of the student’s parent or other family members.
- The address of the student or student’s family.
- A personal identifier, such as a social security number or student number.
- A list of personal characteristics that would make the student’s identity easily traceable.
Information to military recruiters
The Solomon Amendment to FERPA requires the college, upon request, to provide “student recruiting information” on any currently enrolled student who is at least 17 years old to any branch of the armed services. “Student recruiting information” is defined by federal law as name, address, telephone numbers, age or date of birth, class level, degrees received, program of study and most recent educational institution attended. Recruiters must submit their requests in writing to the Registrar’s Office.
Questions regarding Greenville Technical College’s compliance with FERPA can be directed to the Registrar in the Student Records Office.
Student Center Operational Policies
The Greenville Tech Student Center is open during the following hours (subject to change with advance notice).
- 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday - Thursday
- 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Friday
Special Activities in the Student Center
Scheduling of special activities in the center will be done on a priority basis.
First Priority: Recognized student organizations. Scheduling must be done through the dean of students.
Second Priority: Faculty and staff. Scheduling must be done through the dean of students.
Third Priority: Non-Greenville Tech clubs, organizations and groups. Scheduling must be done by a faculty or staff member through the dean of students.
Two weeks advance notice is required. The college reserves the right to reschedule non-Greenville Tech groups for other buildings if conflicting requests are received from the first or second priority group.
Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards are located throughout the campus to notify students of coming events and activities. Notices to be placed on these boards by student organizations must be turned in to the director of Student Activities for approval. Notices to be posted in the Student Center must be approved by the dean of students. Any notices to be placed by non-students or by students not representing a student organization must be turned in to the dean of students for approval. Posters should not be larger than 15 inches by 20 inches and are not to be attached to walls, windows or doors. Approved notices may remain posted for two weeks.
On-Campus Selling
Any person selling merchandise for any off-campus organization or any individual, or any person soliciting contributions on the Greenville Tech campus, must first obtain approval from the office of the dean of students. Fund-raising projects sponsored by student organizations must first be approved by the director of Student Activities.
Closings/Inclement Weather Policy
For information on weather closing policies and procedures, consult your syllabus, local media, the college switchboard, (864) 250-8000, or the college website (
Cell Phone Policy
The use of cell phones, pagers, and other personal electronic devices is allowed on all Greenville Technical College campuses; however, users of these devices must be attentive to the needs, sensibilities, and rights of other members of the college community.
To avoid any unnecessary disruption of college function, the ringers on these devices must be turned off and, in consideration of emergency procedures at Greenville Technical College, vibrate mode is acceptable in all academic settings, including classrooms, laboratories, clinical/externship settings, study spaces and computer labs. At no time may these devices be used near classroom doors or hallways while classes are in session. Students participating in off-campus, course-related activities must follow the electronic device policies of the agency or organization where they are visiting or working.
Beyond the basic college policy stated herein, departments or faculty members, at their discretion, may formulate more restrictive policies related to personal electronic devices as long as these policies do not prevent emergency messages sent by the college from being received. This provision is intended to provide and maintain a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and respectful of others. Any additional policies must be stated in the course syllabi and may include penalties for student violations.
Disruption of class by any electronic device may result in an instructor’s dismissal of the student for the remainder of the class period. Other specified procedures for disruptive classroom behavior may apply as well. If any personal electronic device is used inappropriately for the purpose of academic dishonesty, the student will be penalized appropriately under the Academic Honesty Policy of Greenville Technical College.
Miscellaneous Regulations
Anyone wishing to distribute materials such as pamphlets, questionnaires, sample products, etc., on campus must receive authorization from the office of the dean of students at least two weeks in advance. The college may establish rules and regulations regarding the time, place, and manner of distribution.
Tape recorders and audio devices may be used in classrooms when approved by the instructor. Non-classroom use of such devices is permitted only when such usage does not disrupt other students and/or staff members. Students may be required to use earphones for private listening.
Firearms are strictly prohibited at all times.
Students of the college may not bring children to class or labs or leave children unattended on campus. The college assumes no responsibility for the supervision of students’ children.
Students in certain departments (Auto Body Repair, Automotive Technology, Diesel Equipment Technology and others) are required to have a personal set of hand tools available and wear the appropriate uniform. Students who do not have the required tools or the appropriate uniform by the date established and announced by the appropriate department head will be subject to suspension from the department.
Tobacco-Free Policy
It is the policy of Greenville Technical College (GTC) that all students, employees and visitors are entitled to learn, live and work in a safe, healthful and comfortable environment free of tobacco smoke and its well-documented impact. Tobacco use has proven negative effects on people in such an environment. This policy and procedure are applicable on all campuses and facilities owned by GTC.
McAlister Square areas are exempt from this policy. The Greenville Tech Foundation has designated authority to set policy over these areas.
Tobacco use is prohibited in all defined locations/areas at all times. Tobacco products are defined as any product made of tobacco including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, bidis, all chewing tobacco products, and electronic cigarettes, cigars or related products. Smoking is defined as burning or other use of any of the above-listed products.
Defined locations/areas:
- This policy is applicable to all college-owned or leased buildings at the following campuses/locations:
- Barton Campus
- Brashier Campus
- Benson Campus
- Northwest Campus
- McKinney Automotive Center
- South Carolina Technology and Aviation Center (SCTAC)
- Michelin Building
- All future owned or leased properties.
- At each location, this policy applies but is not limited to areas such as:
- offices, classrooms, laboratories, meeting rooms, restrooms, lobbies, lounges, cafeterias,
- hallways, stairwells, elevators, building entrances, etc.
- balconies, decks, patios and outside stairways to buildings and outdoor passageways to entrances;
- buildings on land for use by the college;
- all college vehicles;
- sidewalks parking lots, athletic venues, common areas and any and all land for use by the college including “green spaces.”
GTC will designate limited smoking areas in remote parking areas at some locations, remove all ashtrays and butt containers and post “Tobacco-Free” and no smoking signs throughout all areas.
The sale or distribution of any tobacco products (as defined above) is prohibited at all locations. This includes any clubs or organizations supported or endorsed by GTC.
GTC organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco companies or from distributing free, reduced price or fully priced products including any promotional products.
Any tobacco advertising to include posters, flyers, electronic media or any other form is prohibited on GTC campus locations or leased properties as well as any future GTC leased or owned properties. Future advertisements and publications for recruitment and employment will note “Greenville Technical College is a tobacco-free institution.”
This policy will be available and distributed to all students and employees and referenced in appropriate publications such as handbooks, catalogs and manuals.
GTC will make tobacco cessation program information and other resources available for any student or employee interested in personal tobacco cessation.
All students should encourage compliance whenever possible. The GTC Police Department has sole authority to fine individuals for violations of this policy. Applicable fines:
- First offense-$25
- Second offense-$50
- Students of the college who are determined to be in violation of this procedure are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Center for Manufacturing Innovation Tobacco Use Policy
Tobacco use is prohibited in all locations/areas of the Center for Manufacturing Innovation at all times. These procedures are applicable to all college-owned or leased buildings at the Center for Manufacturing Innovation Campus (CMI), and include, but are not limited to, areas such as
- offices, classrooms, laboratories, meeting rooms, restrooms, lobbies, lounges, cafeterias, hallways, stairwells, elevators, building entrances, etc.;
- balconies, decks, patios and outside stairways to buildings and outdoor passageways to entrances;
- buildings on land for use by the college;
- sidewalks parking lots, athletic venues, common areas and any and all land for use by CMI including “green spaces.”
The sale or distribution of tobacco products is prohibited. This includes all clubs or organizations supported or endorsed by GTC. GTC organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco companies or from distributing free, reduced price or fully priced products including any promotional products. Any tobacco advertising to include posters, flyers, electronic media or any other form is prohibited. GTC will make tobacco cessation program information and other resources available for any student or employee interested in personal tobacco cessation.
Truist Culinary and Hospitality Innovation Center Tobacco Use Policy
Tobacco use is prohibited in all locations/areas of the Truist Culinary and Hospitality Innovation Center at all times. These procedures are applicable to all college-owned or leased buildings at the Truist Culinary and Hospitality Innovation Center Campus (CHI), and include, but are not limited to, areas such as
- offices, classrooms, laboratories, meeting rooms, restrooms, lobbies, lounges, cafeterias, hallways, stairwells, elevators, building entrances, etc.;
- balconies, decks, patios and outside stairways to buildings and outdoor passageways to entrances;
- buildings on land for use by the college;
- sidewalks parking lots, athletic venues, common areas and any and all land for use by CHI including “green spaces.”
The sale or distribution of tobacco products is prohibited. This includes all clubs or organizations supported or endorsed by GTC. GTC organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco companies or from distributing free, reduced price or fully priced products including any promotional products. Any tobacco advertising to include posters, flyers, electronic media or any other form is prohibited. GTC will make tobacco cessation program information and other resources available for any student or employee interested in personal tobacco cessation.
Applicable fines (as referenced in policy)
Violations | Fines |
First Offense | $25.00 |
Second Offense | $50.00 |
Employees of the college who are determined to be in violation of this policy and/or procedure are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education 8-5-100.1 Procedure.
Computing Facilities Use Policy
- Computing facilities are provided to support the mission of the college.
- Student access to computing facilities is provided only for uses associated with a course of study and activities related to that course.
- The use of computing facilities for non-college-related purposes is prohibited.
- All who use computing facilities agree to do so in a manner that is ethical, legal and does not interfere with others.
- Students’ children are not allowed in computer labs or classrooms, nor are they allowed to be left unattended on campus.
- Food and drinks are prohibited in computer labs and classrooms.
Specific Prohibitions Regarding the Use of Computing Facilities
- Students may use only those facilities which have been properly authorized for their use. Students may not make their passwords available to others, use an account set up for another person or attempt to discover the password of another person.
- Students are issued a GTC email account for use with college communication (example: The email account will be provided while the individual is an active student.
- Students must be aware of, and adhere to, the laws related to software copyrights and licensing. Software may not be copied without the express permission of the copyright holder.
- Students may not copy or attempt to copy information belonging to another person without that person’s expressed permission.
- Students may not attempt to interfere with the operation of, or attempt to circumvent the security of, any of the college’s computing facilities.
- Students may not use the college’s computing facilities to send, receive or access material that is deemed to be obscene, offensive or harassing to others. The college reserves the right to determine if a particular source of information may contain such information and to restrict or deny access to such sources at its discretion.
- The college makes computing facilities consisting of hardware and software available to internal and external users. The college accepts no responsibility for any damage to or loss of data arising directly or indirectly from the use of these facilities or for any consequential loss or damage. The college makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the computing services offered or their fitness for any particular purpose. The college’s liability in the event of any loss or damage shall be limited to these fees and charges paid to the college for the use of computing facilities which resulted in the loss or damage.
- The college provides no facilities which guarantee the confidentiality of files. The computer systems administrator and his/her designee may have the ability to view all messages and files of any user. It is not the routine practice of the administrator to view such files; however, privacy cannot be guaranteed.
- Different computer labs may have different regulations concerning their use. For example: signing in and out may be required in some labs. Students who use a computer lab must learn and adhere to the regulations of that lab.
This policy governs student use of college computing facilities. The terms “computing facilities” and “facilities” are used herein to include any terminal, computer, printer, network component or other related resource belonging to or provided by the college. This policy is applicable regardless of whether the use of a facility originates at the college, at a student’s residence or at any other location. A violation of this policy constitutes a violation of the Student Code for South Carolina Technical Colleges and may result in progressive disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the college.