Other Educational Opportunities

Find Your E (First Year Experience)

Through the First Year Experience (FYE) program, our faculty and staff members host engaging activities to help students successfully transition into college by connecting them with resources and services. FYE events include Get the Scoop! and Warm Up to GTC information fairs, Welcome Tents, Hey Day!, an Academic Majors Fair, as well as a variety of Lunch and Learn programs.  

FYE Peer Leaders

Peer Leaders are current students who serve as role models and leaders in COL 103 College Skills and COL 105 Freshman Seminar. Peer Leaders assist first-year students with the transition into college life by connecting students to the college community.  

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning at Greenville Technical College includes programs that promote applied learning opportunities for students, support quality curriculum development for faculty and assist employers in meeting workforce development needs. Experiential Learning includes Cooperative Education, Technical Scholarship and Apprenticeships.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative Education (Co-op) enhances the student’s learning experience by integrating classroom lessons with “real-world” employment. The college and business community work together to provide the student work experience in jobs related to his/her major. This employment is arranged around class hours, is normally part-time and may continue each semester the student is enrolled at Greenville Tech.

Benefits to the Student

Co-op students have an advantage in the classroom since they have a better understanding of the relevance of their courses.

  • Co-op allows students to test their interests and abilities.
  • Co-op students develop a high degree of professionalism and job readiness.
  • Co-op is an excellent method of securing permanent employment.  Over 80 percent of Co-op students remain with their employers at graduation.
  • Co-op makes the transition from student to full-time employee much easier since the student has learned employer expectations and job requirements.
  • Co-op students learn job search skills they can use at any point in their careers. They also learn about career options.
  • Students are encouraged to apply for Co-op as early in their college careers as possible. However, students may apply at any point while working toward a degree.

Technical Scholarships

Technical Scholarship students also work in jobs related to their fields of study, but Technical Scholars receive scholarships, and often additional benefits, provided by their sponsoring employers. Technical Scholars are often selected early in their studies so that they may benefit from longer periods of on-the-job training before graduating.


Apprenticeships are employer-sponsored and employer-driven opportunities to learn in a classroom and on the job. They are typically full-time positions with apprentices often selected before they enter the college.

You may apply to all Experiential Learning programs by contacting the Experiential Learning office at ExperientialLearning@gvltec.edu. Visit our web page at https://www.gvltec.edu/real-life-experience/.

University Center of Greenville (UCG)

The University Center of Greenville (UCG) was established to offer bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from many of the State’s most respected and highest-ranked universities. The UCG mission is to advance the access and attainment of higher education degrees for the benefit of the citizens and economic community of Greater Greenville, South Carolina. The University Center of Greenville’s current member universities include Anderson University, Bob Jones University, Clemson University, Converse College, Furman University, Lander University, South Carolina State University, University of South Carolina and University of South Carolina Upstate. Greenville Technical College is also a member of UCG and provides lower-division university transfer courses to the center’s baccalaureate degree programs. The University Center of Greenville’s member universities collaborate with Greenville Technical College to meet the growing need for upper-division undergraduate, as well as graduate-level, educational opportunities for students in the Greater Greenville area.

UCG offers more than 750 courses year-round in over 80 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Degrees are granted by the participating universities. Tuition is set by each member institution, and all courses are taught by faculty members from the sponsoring universities. Most Furman University courses are taught on the Furman campus.

UCG is located in McAlister Square on South Pleasantburg Drive and is specially designed for adult students whose job responsibilities and family obligations prevent them from traveling to distant campuses to pursue degrees.

For more information, call the center at (864) 250-1111 or go to https://greenville.org/.

Online Learning Programs

Greenville Technical College applies state-of-the-art technology to deliver convenient, high-quality courses and programs in an online format. Our online courses are subject to the same standards, policies and procedures that apply to traditional lecture courses. Additionally, online academic support services, such as tutoring and library services, are available to supplement course instruction.

The initial enrollment process for a first-time Greenville Tech student should begin with a visit to https://www.gvltec.edu where students will find course offerings that include online and blended courses and additional information.

Online Learning Requirement: COL 111 (E-Learning Success)

  • Students who plan to take an online course(s) must complete a 1-credit, online COL 111 E-Learning Success course designed to foster success in an online learning environment. Before registering for any fully online course, students must have either completed COL 111 E-Learning Success successfully (prerequisite) or be registered for COL 111 E-Learning Success  (co-requisite) in the same term.
  • Research has shown that students who complete COL 111 E-Learning Success are more likely to succeed in their other online courses. Faculty members have designed COL 111 E-Learning Success to introduce students to basic computer skills and functions necessary to navigate the Blackboard learning management system. COL 111 E-Learning Success also includes assignments for students to self-assess whether they are prepared for online learning.
  • Unlike other courses, COL 111 E-Learning Success tuition is set at $50 plus applicable fees. Furthermore, there is no additional textbook cost. The course is mandatory whether required in program hours or not. If not required in program hours, some financial aid may not apply. There is no waiver to exempt COL 111 E-Learning Success. Previous online work at GTC or another institution will not apply.

Course Delivery Options

Face-to-Face: Face-to-face courses are traditional courses with regularly scheduled on-campus or approved off-site class meetings with no more than 24% online instruction time. All instructors teaching face-to-face courses use the Blackboard learning management system to communicate course information such as course syllabus, plan of instruction, course policies, instructor information, assignment due dates, and student grades. However, instructors may use other learning tools, including online discussions, quizzes, or assignments.

Blended: Blended courses include a minimum of 25% face-to-face instruction on campus or at an approved off-site location, with the remaining course instruction time occurring online. The schedule and structure (including online assignments, discussion forums, labs, etc.) can vary significantly from one blended course to another. All on-campus requirements and meeting times must be listed in the scheduling system before registration and must also be listed in the course syllabus/ plan of study. Students may incur additional expenses such as equipment (i.e., microphone or webcam) and/or test proctoring.

Online: In an online course, instructors conduct all instruction, assignments, projects, research, and assessments using digital tools and the Blackboard learning management system with no in-person requirements. Online courses require using a remote proctoring service to verify student identity. Students may request the option to take assessments at an approved testing center or via a web conferencing tool. Students may incur additional expenses such as equipment (i.e., microphone or webcam) nd/or test proctoring. .

Synchronous Online Courses: Online courses that have established virtual class meeting times listed in the scheduling system before student registration to assist better students with class attendance. Faculty are required to record and make available to students any scheduled synchronous meetings. Students may incur additional expenses such as equipment (i.e., microphone or webcam) and/or test proctoring.

Asynchronous Online Courses: Online courses that do not have established class meeting/session times. Whether or not an online course is synchronous or asynchronous, online courses must have at least one gradable assignment per week to establish student attendance. 

Greenville Technical College may in its sole discretion change the delivery of its courses at any time to partial or total online delivery without penalty due to circumstances beyond the control of the college, including but not limited to natural disasters (e.g., tornado, earthquake, flood, hurricane, etc.) war, terrorist attack, strike, public health outbreak (e.g., pandemic or wide-spread and/or infections disease outbreak), fire, release of nuclear material or dangerous substance into the environment or other catastrophic event or major disruption of college operation for any other reason.

Disabilities Information

Efforts have been made to ensure all materials presented in an electronic format are accessible for students with disabilities, and the college is committed to this obligation. However, if you experience any difficulty accessing these materials, please notify your instructor immediately so a solution can be provided. You may also contact Student Disability Services directly at (864) 250-8202 or by email at DisabilityServices@gvltec.edu. Students who need a PDF reader for accessibility of course documents presented in PDF format may download a free reader at https://free-pdf-reader.en.softonic.com/.

Creative Inquiry

Creative Inquiry (CI) offers students the opportunity to engage in collaborative research with a faculty member with like research interests. Students involved in CI enroll in a 3-credit hour research methods course in their chosen field:

Course Title Hours
AET 299Applied Research in Architecture4
BIO 299Research in the Biological Sciences3
BUS 299Research in Business3
CET 299Applied Research in Construction4
CHM 299Research in Chemistry3
EGR 299Applied Research in a Technical Field3
ENG 298Research in English3
HSS 298Research in the Humanities3
MEC 299Research in Advanced Mechatronics4
MTT 299Research in Advanced CNC3
PSY 299Research in Psychology3
SOC 299Research in Sociology3
SPC 298Research in Communication3

Students can use the research experience to set them apart from other individuals applying for the same position or as an addition to their transcript. Participants in a collaborative research experience will have spent one semester in intense study, gaining experience in research methods, earning college credit, and producing a body of work for publication and/or presentation on or off-campus.

Creative Inquiry enables students to think critically and develop skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, media literacy and effective communication that will help them in their chosen career field or prepare them for their university transfer destination.

Scholarly and creative activities by students in all academic disciplines at the college are supported by CI. Examples of topics could include historical significance of religious artifacts, evaluation of a fish population in a small pond, lack of representation of female artists in museums, automotive repair from damaged car to reliable transportation, magical realism in Latin American literature or water quality evaluation of a small campus pond.

For additional information about CI opportunities, visit https://www.gvltec.edu/creative-inquiry/.

Alumni Association

The Greenville Technical College Alumni Association was formed as a social-service group in 1985 by a handful of dedicated graduates. Today, the Alumni Association focuses its strategic efforts on developing meaningful, value-added lifetime relationships with alumni.

Alumni are all graduates who hold degrees, certificates and/or diplomas from the college or have completed 12 or more curriculum credit hours and are not current students.

GTC Alumni have many benefits, including full access to Career Services and the Greenville Technical College Library.

Corporate and Continuing Education

The Corporate and Continuing Education Division is committed to educational development for personal, professional and economic growth of our region. Through advisory boards and business contacts, we strive to stay ahead of the skills and training required to meet the ever-changing job expectations and needs of organizations.

Training ranges from basic job skills to advanced educational opportunities for company executives. Classes are delivered throughout the day and in the evening in an accelerated manner at the job site, Greenville Technical College locations throughout Greenville County or online.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and certificates are earned upon completion of technical and professional development courses. A CEU is nationally recognized as a unit of credit to record satisfactory completion of approved occupational-related programs.

For more information about Corporate and Continuing Education course offerings, call (864) 250-8800 or go to https://www.gvltec.edu/continuing-ed/.

Business & Leadership

Helping your organization improve performance and achieve a competitive advantage is the goal of the Business and Leadership Department. The Business and Industry Sales Team helps to develop the potential within each company with strategic and innovative solutions through training, consulting and coaching services for greater profitability and productivity. Our goal is to help an organization improve its structure and performance, achieve a competitive advantage in a worldwide market and offer training to enhance individual competence. This department offers a wide array of services, including training, coaching and consulting that target both corporate and individual needs. With highly experienced trainers and consultants, we offer you real-world expertise that will help you achieve a competitive advantage in a worldwide market.

Classes are the latest in management standards, leadership skills, human resources, supply chain, quality, Lean and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt techniques and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt. Services include customized training, on-the-job coaching, facilitating kaizen events and project teams, coaching improvement projects, conducting internal audits, facilitating the implementation of new programs and strategic planning.

The Corporate and Continuing Education Division at Greenville Technical College administers the Enterprise Zone tax incentive training program for Greenville County. For information regarding qualification for state tax rebates for retraining a specific workforce, please call (864) 250-8996.

For more about our business offerings, visit https://www.gvltec.edu/continuing-ed/business-leadership/.

Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Training

Managing environmental, occupational health and safety concerns is not just a compliance issue – it can have a huge impact on profitability and sustainability. Our Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety training courses provide a wide range of learning opportunities – from the entry-level worker who wants a fresh start for a new career to seasoned professionals who need to maintain their certification or seek to expand their service capabilities. From American Heart Association CPR/First Aid courses to customized safety training for local manufacturers, our cross-sector offerings address a wide variety of environmental and safety concerns. Program areas include CPR and First Aid, Safety, Hazardous Material (including Asbestos and Lead certifications), Industrial Fire Brigade, HVAC Refrigerant Certification, Indoor Air Quality and Mold Remediation, Solar Photovoltaic Technician Training, Food Safety, Occupational Health Certifications (such as Audiometric and Pulmonary Function Testing) and Emergency Response for non-medical personnel.

For more about our EOHS training, visit https://www.gvltec.edu/continuing-ed/EOHS/ .

Health Care – Administrative and Clinical/Direct Patient Care

Diverse training programs are offered to adult learners entering the health care field as well as health care professionals wanting to further their education or profession. The wide variety of training ranges from professional development to licensing requirements to certifications. Day and evening classes are offered in both classroom and online formats. Some of our most successful offerings are the Nursing Assistant Program, Phlebotomy, Medical Interpretation, Patient Services Representative, and the SC State Board of Nursing-approved RN and LPN Refresher courses.

Changes in health care reimbursement have necessitated specific training for the health care worker in the medical office and physician practices. Certification in medical coding is offered.

For the individual wanting to begin a career in health care, the “Quick Jobs” track is a good opportunity to train as a unit secretary, phlebotomist, medical biller or coder, medical scribe, patient services representative, nursing assistant or sleep technician.

For more about our healthcare options, visit https://www.gvltec.edu/continuing-ed/health/ .

Industrial, Manufacturing and Trades Training

Our state-of-the-art classrooms and labs allow hands-on training opportunities through a number of short-term job training courses, with both day and evening class availability. Courses and programs in Industrial, Manufacturing and Trades are well suited for individuals who enjoy working in fields such as construction, electrical, industrial maintenance, manufacturing, transportation and logistics.

We offer several entry-level, intermediate and advanced skilled trades courses that may run from several days to several months and include Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programs designed to provide the skill set needed for industry certification and today’s manufacturing environment. Other training opportunities include Entry Level Construction training, Forklift Safety Training (Three Year National Safety Council Certification), Electrical—SC Journeyman’s Certification Exam Review and Lift Truck Train-the-Trainer.

For more about our skilled trades training options, visit https://www.gvltec.edu/continuing-ed/manufacturing-trades/ .

Personal and Professional Enrichment

Personal and Professional Enrichment programs and courses encompass a wide and ever-changing variety of subjects. You will not only learn an actual skill through hands-on experience but also how to market that skill! Content areas include culinary arts, languages, photography, defensive driving, motorcycle safety, wedding planning, floral design and tax preparation, as well as special interest and many online class options. State-approved pre-licensing courses for CDL truck driver training and real estate sales are offered each semester. In addition to CDL, we now offer an online self-paced Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) for Hazardous Materials course. This course opens up a wider variety of job and income opportunities for drivers.

Accelerate U and Adventure TECH summer day camp series for middle and high schoolers focus on exposing students to career clusters in Greenville County through fun and engaging camps.  Visit https://GTCSummerCamps.com for more information.

Gain new perspectives and improve your outlook on life, work and the future. Increase enjoyment of your “me time” by taking full advantage of your creative abilities. Our experienced instructors consist of artists, authors, chefs, designers and photographers. They will guide you in developing your next new skill! The individual attention you receive can result in your personal growth, no matter what your skill level.

For more enrichment options, visit https://www.gvltec.edu/continuing-ed/personal-professional-enrichment/.

Truist Culinary & Hospitality Innovation Center (CHI)

The Truist Culinary and Hospitality Innovation Center (CHI) brings a unique training facility for workforce development to West Greenville.  As Greenville Tech’s newest location, CHI is a neighborhood-based venue delivering education, personal interest courses, business leasing space and job training in the heart of the community. CHI is the innovative result of private sector, government and education partnering to bring economic mobility and workforce development to this part of Greenville.

CHI offers continuing education non-credit courses in culinary and service. Quick Jobs Culinary Training for Industry includes an entry-level certificate in Basic Cooking Skills and an entry-level certificate in Basic Service Skills, both of which can be completed in less than 90 days. ServSafe food safety training is also available.

For details on culinary training for industry courses, visit https://chigreenville.com/.

Quick Jobs with a Future

The Quick Jobs with a Future program is an educational and training option for individuals in employment transition. More than 60 courses can be completed in a short time frame (usually less than 90 days) that enables participants to gain skills and obtain credentials needed for employment matching business and industry needs. Quick Jobs classes are hands-on, skill-based and job preparatory in nature. Classes do not follow the regular college schedules. Instruction starts at different times throughout the year and in convenient locations throughout Greenville County. Most of the classes are offered through the Corporate and Continuing Education division as continuing education non-credit, certificate-based offerings. Many of the courses do not require a high school diploma or GED.

For details on our Quick Jobs options, visit https://www.gvltec.edu/quick-jobs/.