Tuition and Fees
Greenville Tech has a linear tuition and fees model in which students pay by the credit hour, no matter how many hours they take. This structure was adopted by the SC Technical College System and is now in place at many of the system’s colleges. GTC also uses a differential tuition structure, allowing the college to charge a rate reflective of the operating cost of the programs encompassed by each school. Tuition rates will be determined by the school in which students are enrolled.
For the academic year 2024-25, Lottery Tuition Assistance was awarded to students registered for six or more credit hours at $75.00 per credit hour. There is a 15-credit hour cap on the amount of Lottery Tuition Assistance a full-time student can receive.
Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours to be eligible to receive Lottery Tuition Assistance. Lottery Tuition Assistance is determined by the state legislature each year prior to the beginning of Fall Semester, and the award amount is subject to change during the year.
Tuition and fees below are effective Fall of 2024. Please see for the most up-to-date tuition and fees.
Tuition Per Credit Hour
Health Sciences (HS)
In-County $225.00 / Out-of-County $ 252.00 / Out-of-State $445.00
Advanced Manufacturing & Transportation Technology (AT)
In-County $221.00 / Out-of-County $ 248.00 / Out-of-State $441.00
Engineering Technology & Professional Studies (ES)
In-County $208.00 / Out-of-County $ 235.00 / Out-of-State $428.00
Business & Computer Technology (BC)
In-County $205.00 / Out-of-County $ 232.00 / Out-of-State $425.00
Arts & Sciences (AS)
In-County $192.00 / Out-of-County $ 219.00 / Out-of-State $412.00
Tuition per credit hour rate does not include the required fees (Enrollment, Technology, and Learning Management System fees)
The eRate (Out-of-state students enrolled in ALL online classes) remains the equivalent of the Out-of-County rate.
Required Fees
Enrollment Fee* / $105
Technology fee per credit hour */ $ 8
Learning Management System fee per credit hour */$ 2
*Refundable fees within add/drop period
Other Fees (Non-Refundable)
Fee | Fee Amount |
PLA Portfolio | $75 |
PLA Exemption Examination | $75 |
Payment Plan Processing Fee | $60 |
e-Transcript Fee | $20 |
Late Registration Fee (see Academic Calendar for dates for each term) | $100 |
Note: Tuition and fees are subject to change. Please see for current tuition and fees. MasterCard, VISA, AMEX and Discover are accepted. Students paying tuition by credit card and debit cards will be charged a 3.00 % convenience fee.
Returned checks will be submitted to the Solicitor’s Worthless Check Unit at a minimum cost of $121.
Some programs require special fees for materials, tests, equipment and insurance. Please check the GTC website for a list of these fees by program at
Resident Status
Resident status determination information can be found under “Resident Status” in the Admissions section of this catalog/student handbook.
Incorrect Classification
A student who has been incorrectly classified as a resident is subject to reclassification and payment of all non-resident fees not paid. If incorrect classification results from false or concealed facts, these students may be charged tuition and fees past due and unpaid at the out-of-state rate.
The student also may be subject to administrative, civil and financial penalties. Until these charges are paid, he/she will not be allowed to receive transcripts or graduate from a South Carolina institution. Those students whose residency status changes are responsible for notifying the residency official of such changes.
Financial Liability Agreement
Each student must complete an enrollment agreement prior to registering for each academic year. The terms below are included as part of the enrollment agreement:
Students must clear any indebtedness to the college before registering for a subsequent semester, before graduating and before receiving official grade reports and/or transcripts.
The Bursar’s office at Greenville Technical College (GTC) corresponds electronically with students using their official GTC email address. I understand that I am responsible for regularly reading important information sent to my GTC email address. I understand it is my responsibility to notify the IT Help desk if I have problems with my GTC email account.
- I understand that enrollment at GTC constitutes a contractual financial obligation to pay tuition and fees for classes in which I am enrolled. I also understand it is my responsibility for meeting all of the published due dates for tuition payments.
- I understand that I will receive an email notification when my 1098T form is available on GTC4me. This form will be provided electronically.
- I understand that GTC will send an email notification when current billing statements are available to view online.
- Statements are located online at The Bursar will send additional notices through your GTC email account.
- I authorize GTC to automatically use my Financial Aid funds to pay all charges incurred on my account unless I restrict my Title IV funds to only pay tuition, fees and bookstore charges. I must notify Financial Aid in writing if I choose to restrict the use of my Title IV funds.
- I will ensure that I have provided Financial Aid all required documentation to complete my file and award my aid. I understand I am responsible for paying all student financial obligations if GTC does not receive my financial aid or if I lose eligibility for any reason.
- I understand a hold will be placed on my account for any past-due balance. This will prevent future registration, graduation and access to transcripts. I further understand that if I enroll for a later semester prior to the enrollment hold being placed on my account, my enrollment is subject to cancellation if my balance is not paid to current
- It is my responsibility to ensure that tuition is paid by a third party. I understand the Bursar’s office will not contact any third party on my behalf in regard to payment.
- I understand that my account information can only be released to me. It is my responsibility to notify my parents/legal guardians of my account balance.
- I understand failure to pay my account by the required due date will result in my account being assessed an 18% annual interest charge by GTC on any past-due amount.
- I understand any debt owed after I have left the college may be turned over to an external collection agency. I agree to pay any collection charges incurred by GTC (up to 30% of the original debt), legal cost and attorney fees. I consent to allow the collection agency to attempt to contact me on any phone number I have provided or that they may receive. This includes a cell phone if I have provided one as a source of contact. I also understand they may use auto-dialers to make such contact. This will result in endangering my credit rating on a local and/or national level by being reported to all three credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian). GTC will also exercise the right to request the South Carolina Department of Revenue state tax refund and wage garnishment program.
- I understand that GTC will assess a $30.00 return check charge in the event a check is returned on my account. I understand that I’m responsible for all dishonored payments presented on my behalf. I understand GTC will turn over any returned check to the solicitor’s office for collection. The minimum charge by the solicitor is $121.00.
- I understand that I’m responsible for any schedule created for me by an advisor or myself through my GTC student account. I understand it is my responsibility to know the drop and withdrawal policy and deadlines. I agree and understand that I will be responsible for any charges associated with the enrollment. If I decide not to attend for any reason, it is my responsibility to drop the class before or during the add/drop period. Failure to drop my classes will result in a balance due to the college. I understand the balance will be determined by the GTC refund policy.
- Upon leaving the college it is my responsibility to ensure that any debt is resolved, the exit counseling has been completed, and my contact information has been updated. Failure to do so could result in missing important notifications. I understand the college can only attempt to contact me with the information I have provided.
Tuition Refunds
Tuition is refundable to students who officially drop classes prior to the deadlines indicated in the Refund Schedule. This information can be found on the website at
A student who registers for a class but fails to attend or attends only during the add/drop period MAY be administratively withdrawn by faculty. An administrative withdrawal will charge the student 100 percent of the total tuition and fees. To avoid the 100 percent penalty, you must complete the official drop process before the end of the specified add/drop period for each class. Dropping all unwanted classes will prevent a financial penalty. Until all fees are satisfied, students will not be allowed to register for future classes or receive financial aid.
Please contact the Financial Aid Office should you have any questions or concerns about how changes in your schedule may affect your financial aid.