BKP - Baking and Pastry
BKP 120 Bakeshop Production (1-6-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Pre- or co-requisite: CUL 155
This course covers the applications of fundamentals and principles of basic baking. Emphasis is placed on skill development for quality commercial bakery products.
BKP 121 Cake Decorating and Finishing Techniques (1-6-3)
Offered Spring Semester
This course covers the techniques and assembling used in finishing theme cakes and international cakes with a variety of mediums used in commercial bakeshops.
BKP 182 Artisan Breads (1-6-3)
Offered Fall Semester
Pre- or co-requisite: BKP 120
This course introduces the fundamental skills, concepts and techniques of artisan bread baking. Use of sponges, wild yeast, bigas and poolish will be incorporated in making authentic rustic bread. Students will make an assortment of international breads as well as breads for special occasions.
BKP 183 Plated Desserts (1-6-3)
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisite: BKP 120
This course focuses on the elements of modern dessert production and consumption. It stresses a thorough understanding and creation of all components of plated dessert production, using basic pastry principles.
BKP 220 Advanced Bakeshop (1-6-3)
Offered Summer Semester
Pre- or co-requisite: BKP 120
This course is a study of the preparation of advanced, classical and international pastries. Emphasis is placed on producing quality, commercial baked goods.