Academic Support and Student Resources
Philosophy and Objectives
We encourage students to become familiar with the services available to them, and with the college policies and procedures that pertain to them, by reading this handbook and other college publications. We also encourage students to familiarize themselves with essential forms such as enrollment/disclosure forms, fee receipts, bulletin board announcements, and much more information available to students online, on course syllabi, etc.
While college staff takes various steps to assess and meet the needs of all students, it is important that students understand that they have a shared responsibility to communicate their needs to the staff. We believe that by working together, students’ experiences at Greenville Technical College can be both personally and professionally rewarding.
Suggestions or questions concerning student services should be directed to the Dean of Students or the Vice President for Student Services.
Major student services goals include, but are not limited to:
- Admit applicants for admission to the college.
- Evaluate students’ transcripts from other colleges, as applicable, to award transfer of credit.
- Maintain students’ educational records in keeping with applicable standards and laws.
- Help students learn more about themselves as a part of the career decision-making process.
- Assist students and graduates in their search for employment.
- Meet the special needs of students who are faced with disabling conditions.
- Provide various supportive services to under-served or disadvantaged students.
- Provide guidance and assistance to veterans and veterans’ dependents who are eligible for government benefits and other services on campus.
- Provide extracurricular activities that enhance the classroom experience, promote leadership development, and allow opportunities for social interaction outside of the classroom.
- Respond to on-campus emergencies.
- Guide students so that they may plan productive pathways to completion and vibrant careers.
- Orient students so they may become fully engaged members of the college community.
- Provide broad access to information resources required for learning and research.
- Coach and tutor students beyond the classroom, so they fully comprehend course concepts.
- Provide testing services and environments based on the highest standards of academic integrity.
- Grant recognition of outstanding academic achievement through means such as the Dean’s List, President’s List, Honor Roll, the President’s Awards, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, and other prestigious organizations.
- Help provide an environment that is safe, open, and conducive to learning.
- Make referrals to other college departments or to off-campus agencies as necessary and appropriate.
Student Services for Distance Learners
The college’s goal is to make student services available to all students. In addition to the information available on the college website, the following serves as a list of resources for distance education students so they may access the many services provided by a variety of departments when it is not convenient for students to come to campus.
Student Services Contacts
Academic Coaching
Phone: (864) 250-8241
E-mail: Academic Coaching
Academic Tutoring
Phone: (864) 250-8197
E-mail: Academic Tutoring
Academic Advising
E-mail: Academic Advising
Phone: (864) 250-8042
E-mail: GTC Bookstore
Bursar's Office
Phone: (864) 250-8818
Fax: (864) 250-8181
E-mail: Business Office
Caring Corner Emergency Food Pantry
Phone: (864) 250-8329
E-mail: Caring Corner
Center for Career and Professional Development
Phone: (864) 250-8139
Fax: (864) 250-5566
E-mail: GTC CCPD
Phone: (864) 250-8157 or (864) 250-8322
E-mail: Counseling Services
Educational Opportunity Programs
Phone: (864) 250-8959
Fax: (864) 250-8193
E-mail: Philip Cody
Enrollment Services
Phone: (864) 250-8000
Fax: (864) 250-8503
E-mail: Enrollment Services
Financial Aid
Phone: (864) 250-8000
Fax: (864) 250-8750
E-mail: Financial Aid
Library Services and Computer Labs
Phone: (864) 250-8319
Text: (864) 438-3425
E-mail: GTC Library
Planning and Transfer Headquarters (PATH)
Phone: (864) 250-8393
E-mail: PATH
Student Affairs
Phone: (864) 250-8102
Fax: (864) 250-5566
E-mail: Dean of Students
Student Disability Services
Phone: (864) 250-8408
Fax: (864) 250-5566
E-mail: Disability Services
Student Life
Phone: (864) 250-8077
Fax: (864) 250-5566
Email: Student Life
Student Records
Phone: (864) 250-8114
Fax: (864) 250-8503
E-mail: Student Records
Testing Center (Academic & Placement Testing)
Phone: (864) 250-8799
Fax: (864) 250-8759
Email: Testing Center
Transcript Evaluation
Phone: (864) 250-8249
Fax: (864) 250-8503
E-mail: Student Records
Veterans Financial Services
Phone: (864) 250-8760
Fax: (864) 250-8988
E-mail: Veterans Financial Services