COL - College Orientation

COL 101  College Orientation  (1-0-1)  
(This course is currently inactive and not being offered)
This course may include selected topics such as career planning, study skills, stress management, tutoring, group guidance and other subjects to facilitate student success.
COL 105  Freshman Seminar  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course is a study of the purposes of higher education and provides a general orientation to the functions and resources of the college. The course is designed to help freshmen adjust to the college community, develop a better understanding of the learning process and acquire essential academic survival skills.
COL 111  E-Learning Success  (1-0-1)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course provides an introduction to the online learning management system, basic computer skills, information literacy, time management skills and learning resources to enhance student success in an electronic learning environment.