CRJ - Criminal Justice

CRJ 101  Introduction to Criminal Justice  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
This course includes an overview of the functions and responsibilities of agencies involved in the administration of justice to include police organizations, court systems, correctional systems and juvenile justice agencies. Also includes historical and sociological introduction.
CRJ 115  Criminal Law I  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisites: CRJ 101, ENG 101
This course covers the development of criminal law in America. The basic elements of specific criminal offenses, criminal defenses and various legal principles upon which criminal law is established are reviewed.
CRJ 125  Criminology  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisites: CRJ 101, SOC 101
This course is a study of the various theories of criminal causation and control, the identification of criminal typologies and the reaction of society to crime and criminals.
CRJ 130  Police Administration  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisite: CRJ 101
This course is a study of the organization, administration and management of law enforcement agencies.
CRJ 140  Criminal Justice Report Writing  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course is a study of the proper preparation and retention of criminal justice records and reports, including observational skills, formatting and the value of accurate, complete and selective written articulation of information and observations.
CRJ 210  The Juvenile and the Law  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: CRJ 101
This course is a study of the juvenile justice system. This process is examined from initial custody to disposition, both from a historical and modern perspective. Course also includes criminological perspective.
CRJ 222  Ethics in Criminal Justice  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: CRJ 101
This course is a study of the application of ethical theories to the criminal justice profession. This is a capstone course to be taken in the student’s last term.
CRJ 224  Police Community Relations  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: CRJ 101
This course is a study of the importance of two-way communication between the criminal justice system and the community to foster a working relationship to control crime. A variety of topics are studied, including citizen involvement in crime prevention and police officer interpersonal relations. Also includes police administration and structure topics.
CRJ 230  Criminal Investigation I  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: CRJ 115
This course is a study of the fundamentals of interviewing witnesses and interrogating suspects. Different methods of conducting crime scene searches and methods used in investigating various crimes are studied in the course.
CRJ 233  Cyber Crimes and the Law  (3-0-3)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisite: CRJ 230
This course examines the problem of crime involving computers and the strategies used for identification, investigation and prosecution.
CRJ 235  Practical Crime Scene Investigations  (3-0-3)  
Offered Summer Semester
Prerequisite: CRJ 230
This course offers practical, hands-on instruction in methodology and policies for the identification, interpretation, collection, packaging, preservation and chain of custody of crime scenes and evidence taken from crime scenes.
CRJ 236  Criminal Evidence  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: CRJ 115
This course is a study of the established rules of evidence from arrest to release in the administration of criminal justice.
CRJ 242  Correctional Systems  (3-0-3)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: CRJ 101
This course is an introduction to aspects of the correctional function in criminal justice, including organization, process, procedure and clients incarcerated and on conditional release.
CRJ 250  Criminal Justice Internship I  (0-9-3)  
Offered Summer Semester
Prerequisite: CRJ 230
This course includes practical experience in a criminal justice or private security setting.