EET - Electronic Engineering Technology
EET 111 DC Circuits (3-3-4)
Offered Spring and Summer Semesters
Co-requisite: MAT 110
This course is a study of resistance, voltage, current, power and energy in series, parallel and series-parallel circuits using Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws and circuit theorems. Circuits are analyzed using mathematics and verified using electrical instruments.
EET 112 AC Circuits (3-3-4)
Offered Summer and Fall Semesters
This course is a study of capacitive and inductive reactance and impedance in series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. It also includes power, power-factors, resonance and transformers. Circuits are analyzed using mathematics and verified using electrical instruments.
EET 131 Active Devices (3-3-4)
Offered Fall and Spring semesters
Prerequisite: EET 112
This course is a study of semiconductor theory and principles, diodes and diode circuits, transistors, transistor circuits and other components. Circuits are modeled, constructed and tested.
EET 141 Electronic Circuits (3-3-4)
Offered Spring and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: EET 131
This course is a study of electronic circuits using discrete and integrated devices, including analysis, construction, testing and troubleshooting.
EET 145 Digital Circuits (3-3-4)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course is a study of number systems, basic logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic optimization, flip-flops, counters and registers. Circuits are modeled, constructed and tested.
EET 172 Electronic Drafting (1-3-2)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course provides students with entry-level experience with drafting software used to create electronic schematics and wiring diagrams.
EET 227 Electrical Machinery (2-3-3)
Offered Fall and Spring Semesters
This course is a study of AC and DC electromechanical energy conversion devices, theory, applications and control. Devices are tested and verified using electrical instruments.
EET 233 Control Systems (3-3-4)
Offered Spring and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: EET 227
This course is a study of open and closed-loop control system operations, elements and applications. Various industrial model programmable logic controllers are used to simulate application to flexible manufacturing systems.
EET 235 Programmable Controllers (2-3-3)
Offered Spring and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: EET 233
This course is a study of relay logic, ladder diagrams, theory of operation and applications. Loading ladder diagrams, debugging and troubleshooting techniques are applied to programmable controllers.
EET 243 Data Communications (2-3-3)
Offered Summer and Fall Semesters
Prerequisite: EET 145
This course is a study of the techniques for sending and receiving information. Topics include media characteristics, modulation and demodulation, signal conversions, multiplexing and de-multiplexing, protocols, industrial standards, networks and error detection and correction. Circuits are modeled, constructed and tested.
EET 251 Microprocessor Fundamentals (3-3-4)
Offered Spring and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: EET 145
This course is a study of binary numbers; microprocessor operations, architecture, instruction sets and interfacing with operating systems; and applications in control, data acquisition, data reduction and analysis. Programs are written and tested.
EET 273 Electronics Senior Project (0-3-1)
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisite: EET 251 or Academic Program Director Permissions
This course includes the construction and testing of an instructor-approved project. This is an opportunity for the student to do self-paced independent research, design and construction of a project of the individual’s choice. A written report is required.