EMS - Emergency Medical Technology

EMS 105  Emergency Medical Care I  (2-6-4)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Co-Requisite: EMS 106 (required second half)
This course is a study of preparatory and pharmacology, airway management, patient assessment and trauma and shock as it relates to the provision of pre-hospital emergency medical care to critically ill and injured patients.
EMS 106  Emergency Medical Care II  (1-9-4)  
Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
Prerequisite: EMS 105
This course is a study of medical emergencies, operations, pediatrics and other special populations as it relates to the provision of pre-hospital emergency medical care to critically ill and injured patients.
EMS 150  Introduction to Advanced Care  (2-9-5)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: BIO 210 or BIO 215 and EMS 105, EMS 106 (or equivalent)
Co-requisites: BIO 211 or BIO 216; EMS 151, PSY 201 (recommended)
This course covers advanced care preparatory material, trauma, advanced airway material and shock management.
EMS 151  Paramedic Clinical I  (0-6-2)  
Offered Spring Semester
BIO 210 or BIO 215 and EMS 105, EMS 106 (or equivalent)
Co-requisites: BIO 211 or BIO 216, EMS 150, PSY 201
This course provides an introduction to hospital care in an emergency and trauma setting. Emphasis is placed on care for adult, obstetrical, pediatric and behavioral patients.
EMS 204  Dynamic Paramedic Review  (2-6-4)  
Offered Fall Semester
This course covers current best clinical practices used by paramedics in the prehospital environment. The course also prepares and meets all requirements to allow registered nurses to challenge the NREMT Advanced Psychomotor and Computer Adaptive Testing. Prospective students must hold a current paramedic certification, nursing license, or have approval from the SC DHEC Bureau of EMS to enroll in this course.
EMS 230  Advanced Emergency Medical Care I  (2-9-5)  
Offered Summer Semester
Prerequisites: EMS 150, EMS 151
Co-requisites: EMS 232,
This course provides an introduction to pre-hospital pharmacology and cardiology as they relate specifically to patient care. Emphasis is placed on the appropriate methods for patient physical exams and solicitation of medical history to maximize patient outcomes.
EMS 231  Paramedic Clinical II  (0-6-2)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: EMS 230, EMS 232
Co-requisite: EMS 240, EMS 242
This course provides application of the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to patients in the emergency department setting and in other appropriate clinical facilities.
EMS 232  Paramedic Internship I  (0-6-2)  
Offered Summer Semester
Prerequisites: EMS 150, EMS 151
Co-requisite: EMS 230
This course provides application of the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom using the team approach to emergency medical patients in the pre-hospital environment.
EMS 240  Advanced Emergency Medical Care II  (2-9-5)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: EMS 230, EMS 232
Co-requisite: EMS 231, EMS 242
This course is a study of complex recurring emergency medical conditions that encompass all stages of the patient’s life span.
EMS 242  Paramedic Internship II  (0-6-2)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: EMS 230, EMS 232
Co-requisites: EMS 231, EMS 240
This course provides hands-on experience for initial patient care in the pre-hospital environment and focuses on the ability to assess, care for and transport medical and trauma patients.
EMS 270  NREMT Review  (2-6-4)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: EMS 231, EMS 240, EMS 242
Co-requisite: EMS 271 (required for Paramedic Degree: Recommended for Paramedic Certificate), EMS 272
This course provides the opportunity to practice and demonstrate proficiency in all of the required National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) skill stations.
EMS 271  Advanced Emergency Operations  (2-6-4)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: EMS 240, EMS 242
Co-requisites: EMS 270, EMS 272
This course introduces the concepts of EMS procedures including vehicle operations, hazardous materials response and interaction with larger teams of emergency responders.
EMS 272  Paramedic Capstone  (0-12-4)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: EMS 240, EMS 242
Co-requisites: EMS 270 , EMS 271
This course provides the opportunity for the student to function as a team leader in a 911 response agency by managing and accounting for all aspects of the emergency scene and patient care.