ESL - English as Second Language
ESL 010 Communication I (0-3-1)
This course is a study of functions and forms of spoken English.
ESL 011 Reading/Writing I (0-3-1)
This course is a general review of reading and writing skills with integrated grammar and vocabulary reinforcement.
ESL 012 Grammar I (0-3-1)
This course is a general review of English grammar with writing emphasis at the sentence level.
ESL 013 Pronunciation I (0-3-1)
This course includes practice in pronunciation with emphasis on the phonetic sounds of vowels and consonants in North American English.
ESL 014 Communication II (0-3-1)
This course is a study of advanced language functions and structures and listening comprehension using contemporary topics in audio-visual media.
ESL 015 Reading/Writing II (0-3-1)
This course is a general review of reading and writing skills at the high-intermediate level with integrated grammar and vocabulary reinforcement.
ESL 016 Grammar II (0-3-1)
This course is a general review of English grammar with writing emphasis at the sentence to paragraph level.
ESL 017 Pronunciation II (0-3-1)
This course includes practice in pronunciation with emphasis on intonation, stress and rhythm of North American English.
ESL 018 Grammar III (0-3-1)
This course is a general review of English grammar at the advanced level with writing emphasis at the extended paragraph level.
ESL 019 Composition (0-3-1)
This course is a general review of reading and writing skills at the advanced level with emphasis on the extended composition.