MED - Medical Assistant

MED 102  Introduction to the Medical Assisting Profession  (1-3-2)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: AHS 102, BIO 112, CPT 170, ENG 101, plus admission into the Medical Assisting program
Co-requisites: MED 104 , MED 107
This course introduces the student to the profession of medical assisting, the legal and ethical concepts related to medical assisting and the medical terminology of the medical office.
MED 104  Medical Assisting Administrative Procedures  (3-3-4)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: AHS 102, BIO 112, CPT 170, ENG 101, plus admission into the Medical Assisting program
Co-requisites: MED 102 , MED 107
This course provides a study of receptionist duties, patient record management, insurance claims processing, ICD-10-CM, CPT and HCPCS coding, letter writing, computer applications and the use of other business machines.
MED 107  Medical Office Management  (2-6-4)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: AHS 102, BIO 112, CPT 170, ENG 101, plus admission into the Medical Assisting program
Co-requisites: MED 102, MED 104
This course provides a study of the principles and practices of banking and accounting procedures, billing methods and office management. This course includes a mandatory administrative practicum experience in a physician’s office.
MED 112  Medical Assisting Pharmacology  (1-3-2)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: MED 102, MED 104
Co-requisites: MED 107, MED 113, MED 114
This course provides a study of principles of pharmacology, drug therapy and the administration of medication.
MED 113  Basic Medical Laboratory Techniques  (2-3-3)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: MED 102, MED 104, MED 107
Co-requisites: MED 112, MED 114
This course provides a study of specimen collection and techniques for related laboratory procedures routinely performed in medical offices and clinics; including hematology and procedures related to body fluids.
MED 114  Medical Assisting Clinical Procedures  (2-6-4)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: MED 102, MED 104, MED 107
Co-requisites: MED 112, MED 113
This course covers examination room techniques, including vital signs, specialty examination, minor surgical techniques and emergency procedures.
MED 156  Clinical Experience I  (3-9-6)  
Offered Summer Semester
Prerequisites: MED 112, MED 113, MED 114
This course provides direct experience in a physician’s office or other selected medical facilities. This course incorporates a comprehensive review of prior knowledge and a mandatory clinical practicum experience.