MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology

MLT 101  Introduction to Medical Lab Technology  (2-0-2)  
Offered Fall Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 105, MLT 115, MLT 130
This course provides an introduction to laboratory medicine, including techniques for routine laboratory procedures, medical terminology, safety and an overview of each area within the laboratory.
MLT 105  Medical Microbiology  (3-3-4)  
Offered Fall Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 101, MLT 115, MLT 130
This course provides a survey of organisms encountered in the clinical microbiology laboratory, including sterilization and disinfection techniques.
MLT 108  Urinalysis & Body Fluids  (2-3-3)  
Offered Summer Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 210, MLT 241
This course introduces the routine analysis and clinical significance of urine and other body fluids.
MLT 110  Hematology  (3-3-4)  
Offered Spring Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 120, MLT 205, MLT 230
This course provides a study of the basic principles of hematology including hemoglobins, hematocrits, white and red counts and identification of blood cells.
MLT 115  Immunology  (2-3-3)  
Offered Fall Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 101, MLT 105, MLT 130
This course provides a study of the immune system, disease states and the basic principles of immunological testing.
MLT 120  Immunohematology  (3-3-4)  
Offered Spring Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 110, MLT 205, MLT 230
This course introduces the theory and practice of blood banking, including the ABO, Rh and other blood group systems, compatibility testing and HDN.
MLT 130  Clinical Chemistry  (3-3-4)  
Offered Fall Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 101, MLT 105, MLT 115
This course focuses on the study of nutritional, functional and excretional chemicals in blood and body fluids including testing techniques and clinical significance.
MLT 205  Advanced Microbiology  (3-3-4)  
Offered Spring Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 110, MLT 120, MLT 230
This course provides a detailed study of microorganisms and the currently accepted procedures for the identification of these microorganisms in the clinical laboratory.
MLT 210  Advanced Hematology  (3-3-4)  
Offered Summer Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 108, MLT 241
This course provides a study of the diseases of blood cells and other hematologic procedures including coagulation.
MLT 230  Advanced Clinical Chemistry  (3-3-4)  
Offered Spring Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 110, MLT 120, MLT 205
This course includes advanced theory, principles and instrument techniques used in clinical chemistry.
MLT 241  Medical Lab Transition  (2-3-3)  
Offered Summer Semester
Co-requisites: MLT 108, MLT 210
This course correlates laboratory procedures and concepts with emphasis on higher level cognitive applications.
MLT 251  Clinical Experience I  (1-12-5)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: MLT 108, MLT 210
Co-requisite: MLT 252
This course provides an integrated, clinically based rotation, which correlates cognitive and technical skills in selected areas of the clinical laboratory.
MLT 252  Clinical Experience II  (1-12-5)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: MLT 108, MLT 210
Co-requisite: MLT 251
This course provides an integrated, clinically-based rotation which correlates cognitive and technical skills in selected areas of the clinical laboratory.
MLT 253  Clinical Experience III  (1-12-5)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: MLT 251, MLT 252
Co-requisite: MLT 254
This course provides an integrated, clinically based rotation, which correlates cognitive and technical skills in selected areas of the clinical laboratory.
MLT 254  Clinical Experience IV  (1-12-5)  
Offered Spring Semester
Prerequisites: MLT 251, MLT 252
Co-requisite: MLT 253
This course provides an integrated, clinically based rotation, which correlates cognitive and technical skills in selected areas of the clinical laboratory.