OTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant

OTA 103  Introduction to Occupational Therapy  (2-0-2)  
Offered Summer Semester
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Phase II of the OTA program
Co-requisite: OTA 163, OTA 200
This course introduces the philosophy, history and development of occupational therapy.
OTA 130  Therapeutic Media I  (0-3-1)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: OTA 103, OTA 163 OTA 200
Co-requisites: OTA 131, OTA 153, OTA 203
This course covers the use of therapeutic craft activities in occupational therapy treatment.
OTA 131  Occupational Performance I  (2-3-3)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisite: OTA 103, OTA 163 OTA 200
Co-requisites: OTA 130, OTA 153, OTA 203
This course is the study of occupational therapy principles that emphasize the use of purposeful activities to enhance role function.
OTA 135  Therapeutic Media II  (0-3-1)  
Offered Spring Semester
This course covers the fabrication and use of therapeutic equipment.
OTA 136  Occupational Performance II  (2-3-3)  
Offered Spring Semester
This course is a continuation of Occupational Performance I with increased emphasis on environmental adjustments, basic orthotics and assistive technology.
OTA 140  Clinical Introduction  (0-3-1)  
Offered Spring Semester
This course provides Level I fieldwork and introduces students to a variety of settings where they can develop a basic comfort level of understanding the needs of clients and professional interaction with the clients and other professionals.
OTA 153  Clinical Applications I  (3-6-5)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: OTA 103, OTA 163, OTA 200
Co-requisites: OTA 130, OTA 131, OTA 203
This course is a laboratory and clinical course emphasizing screening and assessment, treatment planning and therapeutic intervention. Successful completion of the lecture, lab and clinical portions of this class is required in order to progress forward In the OTA curriculum.
OTA 163  Psycho-Social Aspects of Occupational Therapy  (1-3-2)  
Offered Summer Semester
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Phase II of the OTA program.
Co-requisites: OTA 103, OTA 200
This course is a study of the relationships between purposeful activities and functions in psycho-social areas. The course explores lifestyle assessment, therapeutic use of self, individual and group treatment that encourages wellness, health promotion and rehabilitation of psycho-social dysfunction in the classroom and lab.
OTA 200  Introduction to Kinesiology  (2-3-3)  
Offered Summer Semester
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Phase II of the OTA program. Completion of all Phase I courses with a minimum grade of “C”
Co-requisites: OTA 103, OTA 163
This course is a study of functional movement of the human body. The course provides an introduction to normal and abnormal musculoskeletal and neuromuscular anatomy with an emphasis on goniometry measurement and muscular testing.
OTA 203  Kinesiology for Occupational Therapy  (2-3-3)  
Offered Fall Semester
Prerequisites: OTA 103, OTA 163, OTA 200
Co-requisites: OTA 130, OTA 131, OTA 153
This course includes identification and analysis of the components of human motion related to occupational therapy.
OTA 245  Occupational Therapy Departmental Management  (2-0-2)  
Offered Spring Semester
This course covers the operation of an occupational therapy clinic, including inventory, supervision and quality assurance.
OTA 253  Clinical Application II  (3-6-5)  
Offered Spring Semester
This course is a continuation of Clinical Application I with increased emphasis on reassessment for effect of intervention and maximizing treatment gains. Successful completion of the lecture, lab and clinical portions of this class is required in order to progress forward In the OTA curriculum.
OTA 262  OTA Clinical Application  (0-21-7)  
Offered Fall and Summer Semesters
This course provides clinical experiences under the direct supervision of an experienced OTR or COTA, enabling students to transition into the role of entry-level OTA. Students are assigned to various settings working with individuals with developmental, physical or emotional challenges.
OTA 268  Clinical VI  (0-21-7)  
Offered Fall and Summer Semesters
This course emphasizes direct participation in pediatric, geriatric, or mental health clinic experience.