SPA - Spanish

SPA 101  Elementary Spanish I*  (4-0-4)  

Offered Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters

This course is a study of the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, including an introduction to the Spanish culture.

SPA 102  Elementary Spanish II*  (4-0-4)  

Offered Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters

Prerequisite: SPA 101 or permission of instructor

This course continues development of the basic language skills and the study of the Spanish culture.

SPA 201  Intermediate Spanish I*  (3-0-3)  

Offered First Summer Session

Prerequisite: SPA 102 or permission of instructor

This course is a review of Spanish grammar with attention given to more complex grammatical structures and reading difficult prose.

SPA 202  Intermediate Spanish II*  (3-0-3)  

Offered Second Summer Session

Prerequisite: SPA 201 or permission of instructor

This course continues a review of Spanish grammar with attention given to more complex grammatical structures and reading more difficult prose.